The local toolbar contains the following commands:
- Find
- Opens the Find field to enter a
text string to search for, or search and replace the specified text strings.
Tip: Use the Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut to search for text strings, and use the Ctrl+R keyboard shortcut to replace.
- Save File
- Saves changes to the currently displayed file.
- Undo
- Undoes changes in sequential order.
- Redo
- Redoes changes in sequential order.
- Cut
- Cuts selected text to the clipboard.
- Copy
- Copies selected text to the clipboard.
- Paste
- Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the cursor location.
- Toggle Line Comments
- Selects a line of text or group of lines, and inserts a line comment symbol at the start of the line. This command removes the line comment symbol if the selected lines currently contain the comment symbol.
- Toggle Column Selection Mode
- Specifies whether to select a block of text characters as a grid of rows and columns or as lines of text. This command can be toggled on or off.
- Reformat Code
- Adjusts indenting and alignment of the code to improve its readability. The button operates on the entire file or a selected block of text.
- Language Templates
- Opens the Language Templates. For more information, see Using Language Templates.
- Settings
- Controls the display of information in the window. For details, see Specifying Text Editor Window Settings.