Using Non-Project Mode - 2023.2 English - UG892

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Flows Overview (UG892)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

This chapter highlights the differences between Non-Project Mode and Project Mode. To fully understand Non-Project Mode in the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite, you should be familiar with Project Mode as described in Using Project Mode.

In Non-Project Mode, you use Tcl commands to compile a design through the entire flow. In this mode, an in-memory project is created to let the AMD Vivado™ tools manage various properties of a design, but the project file is not written to disk, and the project status is not preserved.

Tip: An in-memory project is also generated in Non-Project Mode for the Vivado tool to use. However, it is not preserved as part of the design.

Tcl commands provide the flexibility and power to set up and run your designs and perform analysis and debugging. Tcl commands can be run in batch mode, from the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell, or through the Vivado IDE Tcl Console. Non-Project Mode enables you to have full control over each design flow step, but you must manually manage source files, reports, and intermediate results known as design checkpoints. You can generate a variety of reports, perform DRCs, and write design checkpoints at any stage of the implementation process.

Unlike Project Mode, Non-Project Mode does not include features such as runs infrastructure, source file management, or design state reporting. Each time a source file is updated, you must rerun the design manually. Default reports and intermediate files are not created automatically in this mode. However, you can create a wide variety of reports and design checkpoints as needed using Tcl commands. In addition, you can still access the GUI-based design analysis and constraints assignment features of the Vivado IDE. You can open either the current design in memory or any saved design checkpoint in the Vivado IDE.

When you launch the Vivado IDE in Non-Project Mode, the Vivado IDE does not include Project Mode features such as the Flow Navigator, Project Summary, or Vivado IP catalog. In Non-Project Mode, you cannot access or modify synthesis or implementation runs in the Vivado IDE. However, if the design source files reside in their original locations, you can cross probe to design objects in the different windows of the Vivado IDE. For example, you can select design objects and then use the Go To Instantiation, Go To Definition, or Go To Source commands to open the associated RTL source file and highlight the appropriate line.

Important: Some of the features of Project Mode, such as source file and run results management, saving design and tool configuration, design status, and IP integration, are not available in Non-Project Mode.

You must write reports or design checkpoints to save the in-memory design as it progresses. The design checkpoint (DCP) refers to a file that is an exact representation of the in-memory design. You can save a design checkpoint after each step in the design flow, such as post synthesis, post optimization, post placement. The DCP file can be read back into the Vivado Design Suite to restore the design to the state captured in the checkpoint file.

You can also open a DCP in the Vivado IDE to perform interactive constraints assignment and design analysis. Because you are viewing the active design in memory, any changes are automatically passed forward in the flow. You can also save updates to new constraint files or design checkpoints for future runs.

While most Non-Project Mode features are also available in Project Mode, some Project Mode features are not available in Non-Project Mode. These features include source file and run results management, saving design and tool configuration, design status, and IP integration. On the other hand, you can use Non-Project mode to skip certain processes, thereby reducing the memory footprint of the design, and saving disk space related to projects.