Report Design Analysis
report_design_analysis [‑file <arg>] [‑csv <arg>] [‑append]
[‑return_string] [‑complexity] [‑cells <args>] [‑bounding_boxes <args>]
[‑hierarchical_depth <arg>] [‑rent_greater_than <arg>]
[‑instances_greater_than <arg>] [‑instances_lesser_than <arg>]
[‑av_fanout_greater_than <arg>] [‑congestion]
[‑min_congestion_level <arg>] [‑timing] [‑setup] [‑hold] [‑show_all]
[‑full_logical_pin] [‑routed_vs_estimated] [‑logic_level_distribution]
[‑logic_level_dist_paths <arg>] [‑min_level <arg>] [‑max_level <arg>]
[‑return_timing_paths] [‑of_timing_paths <args>] [‑max_paths <arg>]
[‑extend] [‑routes] [‑end_point_clocks <args>] [‑logic_levels <arg>]
[‑qor_summary] [‑json <arg>] [‑name <arg>] [‑no_pr_attribute] [‑quiet]
Name | Description |
Filename to output results to. (send output to console if -file is not used) |
Write detailed tables to the CSV filename specified |
Append the results to file, don't overwrite the results file |
Return report as string |
Finds the interconnection complexity (Rent) of the design |
Report analysis information for given list of cells |
Report interconnection complexity (Rent) for given list of bounding boxes Default: empty |
Hierarchical depth option for -complexity Default: 1 |
Threshold for Rent for a module to report complexity Default: 0.6 |
Threshold for minimum number of instances for a module to report complexity Default: 15000 |
Threshold for maximum number of instances for a module to report complexity Default: 1000000 |
Threshold for minimum average fanout for a module to report complexity Default: 3.0 |
Reports congestion of the design |
Minimum congestion level for reporting router congestion, integer value between 3 and 8 Default: 5 |
Reports characteristics of critical path |
Reports characteristics of critical SETUP path |
Reports characteristics of critical HOLD path |
Adds more characteristics to the timing characteristics report |
Display hierarchical pin names in the report |
Reports relevant characteristics of critical path in estimated mode |
Reports logic level distribution |
Number of critical paths for analyzing logic level distribution used along with -logic_level_distribution Default: 1000 |
Group all paths with logic levels <min_level-1> and below into a single bin, value passed must be at least 1 Default: Not Used |
Group all paths with logic levels <max_level+1> and above into a single bin, where <max_level> must be the greater of zero or <min_level + 1> if -min_level is used Default: Not Used |
Returns timing path objects |
Reports characteristics for these paths |
Number of paths to consider for -timing option Default: 1 |
Reports characteristics of worst path before the start point of critical path and worst path after the end of the critical path |
Reports distribution with respect to Routes instead of logic levels |
Returns timing path objects filtered by endpoint clock names as passed to this option |
Returns timing path objects bucketed under the bin name as passed to this option |
Design Flow summary |
Write the report in JSON format to the filename specified |
Output the results to GUI panel with this name |
Report without PR attributes |
Ignore command errors |
Suspend message limits during command execution |
Provides timing data on critical path characteristics and complexity of the design to help identify and analyze problem areas that are subject to timing closure issues and routing congestion. For more information on this command refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).
The report_design_analysis
command currently has three modes of operation:
- Timing: reports timing and physical characteristics of timing paths.
- Complexity: analyzes the design for routing complexity and LUT distribution.
- Congestion: analyzes the design for routing congestion.
In timing mode, the command calls the static timing engine to analyze critical path data and report the characteristics of each path. The path characteristics include important elements such as clock skew, placement obstacles such as crossing clock regions, and physical constraints such as Pblocks and LOCs. The list of paths can be extended to include a number of top critical paths or specific paths can be analyzed by providing timing path objects to the command. The reports can also be extended to show the paths preceding and following the critical path.
The following are definitions of the characteristics of the paths reported in timing mode:
- PATH_TYPE: either SETUP or HOLD.
- REQUIREMENT: delay requirement from static timing analysis.
- PATH DELAY: data path delay from static timing analysis.
- LOGIC DELAY: the portion of the PATH DELAY attributed to logic on the path.
- NET DELAY: the portion of the PATH DELAY attributed to wires on the path. Note that the net delay is based on the estimated or actual routing delay as specified by the
command. - CLOCK SKEW: difference in delay between the source and destination clocks.
- SLACK: path timing slack from static timing analysis.
- CLOCK RELATIONSHIP: SAME_CLOCK or RELATED_CLOCK. Helps identify potentially missed inter-clock constraints.
- TIMING EXCEPTION: the timing exceptions, like
, that are assigned to the path. - LOGIC LEVELS: number of logic levels between the source and destination, reported when the
is specified. - LOGICAL PATH: shorthand notation showing the ordered list of cells in the path including the start point and end point. Note: For Partial Reconfiguration (PR) designs, the logical path is appended to identify the cell as belonging to a reconfigurable partition (:RP#), or to the static region of the design (:S). A translation table at the bottom of the report maps :RP# to a specific reconfigurable partition.
- START POINT CLOCK: the clock domain of the start point of the path.
- END POINT CLOCK: the clock domain of the end point of the path.
- START POINT PIN PRIMITIVE: the library cell and pin of the start point of the path.
- END POINT PIN PRIMITIVE: the library cell and pin of the end point of the path.
- START POINT PIN: the instance and pin name of the start point.
- END POINT PIN: the instance and pin name of the end point.
- COMB DSP: number of combinational DSP blocks in the path.
- DOA REG: the number of DOA registers on the path.
- DOB REG: the number of DOB registers on the path.
- MREG: the number of MREG registers on the path.
- PREG: the number of PREG registers on the path.
- Block RAM CROSSINGS: number of block RAM columns traversed by the path.
- DSP CROSSINGS: number of DSP block columns traversed by the path.
- IO CROSSINGS: number of IO columns traversed by the path.
- CONFIG CROSSINGS: the number of CONFIG tile traversed by the path.
- SLR CROSSINGS: number of SLRs traversed by the path.
- BOUNDING BOX SIZE: the rectangular area covered by the critical path, measured in RPM GRID units which are based on the device RPM_X (horizontal) and RPM_Y (vertical) site coordinates. Because different sites (slices, DSP, block RAM, etc.) have different sizes, each site has unique RPM_X and RPM_Y properties to pinpoint its location within the device.
- CLOCK REGION DISTANCE: An ordered pair showing the number of clock regions traversed in the horizontal and vertical directions from path startpoint to endpoint. Minimizing clock region crossings can improve critical path delay and clock skew.
- Example 1: A critical path begins in clock region X1Y1 and ends in clock region X3Y3, resulting in a CLOCK_REGION_DISTANCE of (2, 2).
- Example 2: a critical path begins in clock region X2Y1 and ends in X0Y0, resulting in a CLOCK_REGION_DISTANCE of (-2, -1).
- PBLOCKS: number of Pblocks traversed by the path.
- HIGH FANOUT: the greatest fanout of a net in the path.
- CUMULATIVE FANOUT: the total fanout on the path.
- DONT TOUCH: number of cells in the path with DONT_TOUCH value of TRUE. A value of TRUE for DONT_TOUCH on a cell prevents it from being optimized, disabling potentially beneficial optimizations such as phys_opt_design replication.
- MARK DEBUG: number of cells in the path with a MARK_DEBUG value of TRUE. By default a net with MARK_DEBUG has DONT_TOUCH set to TRUE which disables optimization on that net. The DONT_TOUCH can be set to FALSE to enable optimization and potentially improve timing.
- FIXED LOC: number of placed cells in the path with an IS_LOC_FIXED value of TRUE. FIXED cells cannot be moved by either place_design or phys_opt_design.
- FIXED ROUTE: number of routed nets in the path with IS_ROUTE_FIXED value of TRUE. FIXED routes cannot be ripped up and rerouted by route_design.
- HOLD FIX DETOUR: the amount of routing detour provided to fix hold timing to post-route critical paths.
- COMBINED LUT PAIRS: number of LUT cells in the path that have been combined with other LUT cells into the same LUT BEL to use both the O6 and O5 outputs. LUT cells that have been combined with LUTNM, HLUTNM, or SOFT_HLUTNM can be uncombined and re-placed by setting their HLUTNM properties to an empty string. This allows exploring LUT combining and un-combining effects on timing and congestion reduction.
- The following fields are reported for Partial Reconfiguration (PR) designs. Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909) for more information.
- PR PATH TYPE: Specifies the path as being completely in the static region, completely in a reconfigurable partition (RP), or as crossing the boundary between regions. The delay elements for the timing path are also broken down between the regions .
- STATIC CROSSINGS: Reports the number of times a reconfigurable partition (RP) path crosses into the static region.
- RP CROSSINGS: Reports the number of times a static region path crosses into a reconfigurable partition (RP) region.
- BOUNDARY FANOUT: Reports the fanout of a boundary path at the PPLOC to its downstream loads .
In complexity mode, the command performs complexity analysis of the current design and reports the Rent Exponent which is a measure of complexity, the Average Fanout, and a Primitive Histogram. The analysis can be performed on the top-level design or recursively on hierarchical levels of the design, with the ability to control the level of recursion.
The following are definitions of the characteristics reported in complexity mode:
- Rent: The Rent exponent, as defined by Rent's rule, is a measure of interconnect complexity in a netlist. Higher Rent indicates higher complexity and greater difficulty to avoid routing congestion. Most designs have a Rent in the 0.5 to 0.6 range. A Rent value of 0.65 is considered high and 0.85 is considered very high.
- Average Fanout: This is the average fanout of a logic cell in the design, excluding global buffers. Higher average fanout may result in more difficulty for placement and routing. While absolute values may not predict difficultly, relative values between designs or between hierarchical levels may be more indicative.
- Primitive Histogram: This displays the totals of certain primitive types used in the design. A high Rent may be caused by a predominance of LUT6 cells. If there are many more LUT6 than other size LUTs, the Rent may be reduced by adopting a more area-focused synthesis strategy.
In congestion mode the command analyzes the design and provides metrics to help you alleviate routing congestion. Using the results from the report_design_analysis
command, you can change placement to avoid specific routing hot spots.
The command returns the file created, or returns the analysis results to the Tcl console, or returns an error if it fails.
-file <arg>
- (Optional) Write the analysis results into the specified file. The specified file will be overwritten if one already exists unless -append
is also specified.
-csv <arg>
- (Optional) Write a CSV file that shows the timing paths and analysis features. The specified file will be overwritten if one already exists.
or -csv
, the file will be written into the current working directory that can be identified using the [pwd]
Tcl command.
- (Optional) Append the output of the command to the specified file rather than overwriting it.
option can only be used with the -file
- (Optional) Directs the output to a Tcl string rather than to the standard output. The Tcl string can be captured by a variable definition and parsed or otherwise processed.
- (Optional) Perform complexity analysis of the design and report the Rent Exponent, Average Fanout, and Primitive Histogram.
option can result in a high compile time for large
designs. Use with -cells
, -hierarchical_depth
, -instances_lesser_than
and -av_fanout_greater_than
to lower compile time.
-cells <arg>
- (Optional) Specify the cells to use when reporting design analysis. Cells should be hierarchical modules of the design. Use this option to specify a cell other than the top cell for analysis. Cells can be specified by name, or as objects returned by the get_cells
command. Cannot be used with -hierarchical_depth
<args> - (Optional) Specify regions of the device to analyze for complexity. This limits the area and reduces the time required for analysis. The argument is specified as a pair of device tiles representing the "lower-left:upper-right" corners of the bounding box. Multiple windows can be specified as follows:
-bounding_boxes { "CLE_M_X21Y239:CLEL_R_X28Y254" \
"CLEL_R_X18Y171:CLE_M_X26Y186" }
-hierarchical_depth <arg>
- (Optional) Specify that the complexity analysis should be performed on the hierarchy of the design, rather than just the top-level of the design, or the specified cell. In this case, the hierarchy of the design or cell will be examined to the specified depth. The default setting is 1. Requires the -complexity
-rent_greater_than <arg>
- (Optional) Specify the minimum value of
Rent to be reported. Only valid when used with -complexity. Default value is 0.6.
-instances_greater_than <arg>
- (Optional) Specify the minimum
threshold for the number of instances in a hierarchy in order to perform a Rent
calculation. Small modules are typically good to ignore as they do rarely translate to
congestion. Higher values lower compile time. Only valid when used with
. Default value is 15000.
-instances_lesser_than <arg>
- (Optional) Specify the maximum
threshold for the number of instances in a hierarchy in order to perform a Rent
calculation. Use with -instances_greater_than
to create a range of
values. Lower values lower compile time. Only valid when used with
. Default value is 100000.
-av_fanout_greater_than <arg>
- (Optional) Specify the minimum
threshold of average fanout within a hierarchical module in order to perform a Rent
calculation. Higher values lower compile time. Only valid when used with
. Default is 3.0.
- (Optional) Reports the vertical and horizontal routing congestion of the placed design on a per tile basis. This option can only be run after implementation, or after place_design
. Congestion analysis is performed on the whole design, even if -cells
is specified for complexity analysis.
-min_congestion_level <arg>
- (Optional) Specifies the minimum congestion level to show congestion in the design. The minimum supported value is 3 as the report does not have any information on congestion windows under level 3. The default value is 5 if the option is not specified.
- (Optional) Runs design analysis in timing mode, to report setup and hold characteristics of critical paths. This is the default analysis run by the report_design_analysis
command when no other options are specified.
option can be specified with -setup
, -hold
, -of_timing_paths
, -max_paths
, and -extend
, but can not be used with -cells
or -hierarchical_depth
- (Optional) Limit the reporting scope to only setup path characteristics. Requires the -timing
- (Optional) Limit the reporting scope to only hold path characteristics. Requires the -timing
is used with the -extend
option this generates two side-by-side reports: the setup report showing the worst setup paths on the left, and the corresponding hold report for those paths on the right. This shows hold characteristics side-by-side with the setup characteristics of the same start and endpoints to make it easier to see if hold and setup fixing are affecting one another.
- (Optional) Adds more characteristics to the timing characteristics report.
- (Optional) Output the full hierarchical pin name in the design analysis report.
- (Optional) Reports the estimated vs. actual routed delays side-by-side for the same path.
set_delay_model -interconnect
to be set to "actual" to provide both the estimated and actual delays.
- (Optional) Reports logic-level distribution of the -timing
report to help identify the longer paths in the design. The logic levels distribution can be very runtime intensive so it is not reported by default.
is performed on critical timing paths identified by the -timing
option. If the purpose of analysis is to identify all of the paths with the greatest number of logic levels in the design, you can use -of_timing_paths
with the get_timing_paths
command to define the timing paths of interest. In addition, you can use the LOGIC_LEVELS property on timing paths to obtain this information.
-logic_level_dist_paths <arg>
- (Optional) This option can be specified with -logic_level_distribution
to specify the number of critical paths for analyzing logic level distribution. Specified as a value greater than or equal to 1. The default is 1000 paths.
-min_level <arg>
- (Optional) Group all timing paths with logic levels, or routes, less than the value specified into a single bin. When specified, the <arg> value passed must be at least 1.
-max_level <arg>
- (Optional) Group all timing paths with logic levels, or routes, greater than the value specified into a single bin. When specified, the <arg> value must be greater than the value of -min_level
, or can be zero.
- (Optional) This must be used with the -end_point_clock
and -logic_levels
options. Directs the report_design_analysis
command to return timing_path objects as well as the analysis report. The timing_path objects can be passed to other analysis commands that take timing paths such as report_timing
, or even passed to the -of_timing_paths
option of a second report_design_analysis
is specified, -timing
will be disabled so that no timing results are returned. If no timing paths match the specified options, the command will return the message "No timing paths returned."
<args> - (Optional) Specify a list of timing path objects for analysis. Requires the -timing
option. The command will report characteristics of the specified paths instead of the most critical paths. You can use the get_timing_paths
command to provide the timing path objects for -of_timing_paths
-max_paths <arg>
- Specify the number of paths to report for critical path analysis. The default number of critical paths analyzed is 1. Note, the number of paths returned is affected by other options such as -end_point_clock
, which can reduce the number of paths returned due to the specified clock.
- (Optional) Perform an extended setup analysis of the critical paths. The hold analysis is not performed. Requires the -timing
option. Three paths are reported for an extended analysis:
- The path ending at critical path start point.
- The critical path.
- The path starting at critical path endpoint.
- (Optional) Reports the path distribution with respect to the number of routes per end point clock instead of logic levels. When it is used with the -of_timing_objects
option, the get_timing_paths
command must be run with the -routable_nets
-end_point_clocks <arg>
- (Optional) Takes a list of clocks that can be specified by name or by using get_clocks. Limits the timing paths under consideration to only the ones in the specified clock group.
-logic_levels <arg>
- (Optional) Filters timing paths by the specified number of logic levels. You can specify one logic level and it can be used with -end_point_clocks
to further limit timing paths based on the clock domain.
- (Optional) Include a summary of the QoR for the design.
-json <arg>
- (Optional) Writes the QoR summary in
JSON format where <arg> is the name of the JSON file. The generated JSON file
overwrites an existing JSON files with the same name.
option can only be used with the
, -complexity
, and
switches. In addition, switches that shape
the data for each report section are also valid.
-name <arg>
- (Optional) The name of the Design Analysis Report view to display in the tool GUI mode. If the name has already been used in an open Report view, that view will be closed and a new report opened.
- (Optional) Report the design analysis without partial reconfiguration (PR) attributes. For Partial Reconfiguration (PR) designs, the logical path is defined as belonging to a reconfigurable partition (:RP#), or to the static region of the design (:S), as well as whether the path is completely in the PR region or S region or crosses between the regions.
- (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
- (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
Perform a complexity analysis of the two specified cells.
report_design_analysis -complexity -cells {cpuEngine fftEngine}
Perform complexity analysis of the specified bounding boxes.
report_design_analysis -complexity \
-bounding_boxes { "CLE_M_X21Y239:CLEL_R_X28Y254" "CLEL_R_X18Y171:CLE_M_X26Y186" }
Get an extended analysis of the worst critical path from the Block RAMs in the design.
report_design_analysis -timing -of_timing_paths \
[get_timing_paths -from [all_rams]]
Perform complexity analysis for the specified cell, to a depth of two hierarchical levels, and performs timing and congestion analysis on the design.
report_design_analysis -complexity -hierarchical_depth 2 -timing -setup \
-hold -max_paths 10 -logic_level_distribution -logic_level_dist_paths 20 -congestion
Use the report_design_analysis
command to
return the timing paths with the specified end point clock and logic levels, and pass
those paths to the report_timing
command for analysis.
report_timing -of_objects [report_design_analysis -end_point_clock cpuClk \
-logic_levels 10 -timing -return_timing_paths]
The following example generates a logic level report with levels 0-1 grouped in a bin, 10 and greater grouped in another bin, and a bin for each individual number in between.
report_design_analysis -logic_level_distribution -min_level 2 -max_level 9
report_design_analysis -qor_summary -json rda_qor.json
The following example generates a logic level distribution report in JSON format. It is limited to the 1000 worst timing paths.
report_design_analysis -logic_level_distribution -json rda_qor.json \
-logic_level_distribution_paths 1000
The following example generates a complexity report that is limited to hierarchies containing instances greater than 20000 and less than 50000 with an average fanout of 3.5.
report_design_analysis -complexity -instances_greater_than 20000 \
-instaces_lesser_than 50000 -av_fanout_greater_than 3.5