High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) is available in Versal HBM series devices. HBM supports data rates up to 3200 Mbps. HBM is connected to the device through either a NoC connection or through a direct PHY connection. The PL can bypass to the PHY to implement soft memory controllers or to support a chip-to-chip interface. The bypass mode has approximately half of the bandwidth of the NoC mode. HBM settings are entered on the NoC, DDRMC, and HBMMC page.
HBM entry can be done through HBMMC wizard or HBM settings can be imported from .xpe file generated by Vivado Report Power or NoC compiler.
HBMMC wizard populates clocks and 2 NoC endpoints per channel by default. For the most accurate HBM and NoC power estimate use the NoC Compiler .xpe file output file from Vivado and import into PDM.
HBM wizard shows available channel count with memory size based on selected device and used channels count with memory size based on configuration populated in wizard. Each MC can be configured by selecting the check box.
- Number of channels to configure with MC 0 / MC 8 values
- Once MC 0 / MC 8 is configured, use this drop down to replicate the MC 0 / MC 8 settings onto other MC's.
- Data Rate
- Enter the Data Rate in Mbps. The allowed range for this field is 1000-3200 Mbps.
- Read/Write (%)
- Pseudo Channel Data Read/Write Rates. The allowed range for this field is 0-100 and Read + Write rate should not be more than 100%. Page Hit is calculated on these rates.
- PHY_Active
- PHY_Active corresponds to whether the HBM channel/MC is enabled in design.
- Stack Reset
- Use the Reset Stack to Defaults option underneath the respective Stacks to reset them to default values.
- HBM Summary and Environment
- When targeting HBM device, HBM Summary and Environment table appears on Summary page located right side of Environment table. The table contains HBM On-Chip Power divided in Static and Dynamic Power. HBM Tj override option is available, which works similar to the override Junction Temperature option for device. When User Override ON is selected, the entered HBM junction temperature is forced to be overridden if device junction temperature is overridden in Environment table.