createdts - 2023.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

Creates device tree.


createdts [options]

Create a device tree for the hardware definition file.


Option Description
-platform-name <software-platform name> Name of the software platform to be generated.
-board <board name> Board name for device tree to be generated. Board names available at <DTG Repo>/device_tree/data/kernel_dtsi.
-hw <handoff-file> Hardware description file to be used to create the device tree.
-out <output-directory> The directory where the software platform needs to be created. Workspace will be default directory, if this option is not specified.
-local-repo <directory location> Location of the directory were bsp for git repo is available. Device tree repo will be cloned from git, if this option is not specified.
-git-url <Git URL> Git URL of the dtg repo to be cloned. Default repo is
-git-branch <Git Branch> Git branch to be checked out. 'xlnx_rel_v<Vitis-release>' is selected by default.
-zocl Set zocl flag to enable zocl driver support, default set to False. zocl should only be used when the designs are PL enabled. Only master and xlnx_rel_v2021.2 branch supports zocl property.
-overlay Set overlay flag to enable device-tree overlay support, default set to False.
-dtsi <custom-dtsi-file list> Include custom-dtsi file in the device tree, if specified. The filepaths must be in the list format.
-compile Specify this option to compile the generated dts to create dtb. If this option is not specified, users can manually use dts to compile dtb. For example, dtc -I dts -O dtb -o <file_name>.dtb <file_name>.dts Compile dts(device tree source) or dtsi(device tree source include) files. dtc -I dts -O dtb -f <file_name>.dts -o <file_name>.dtb Convert dts(device tree source) to dtb(device tree blob). dtc -I dtb -O dts -f <file_name>.dtb -o <file_name>.dts Convert dtb(device tree blob) to dts(device tree source).
-update Set update flag to enable existing device tree platform to update with new xsa.


  • This command is a shortcut for creating a device tree domain and generating the device tree. It clones the device tree repo, creates a platform with device_tree as OS, and configures and generates the platform to create dts. -zocl should only be used when the designs are PL enabled. Only master and xlnx_rel_v2021.2 branch supports zocl property. Git 1.5.4 or later is required to avoid any issues with the git commands used by the createdts command.




createdts -hw zcu102.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree

Create a device tree for the handoff-file with default repo as "" and default branch as "xlnx_rel_v<Vitis-release>".

createdts -hw zcu102.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree -git-url <Git URL>
-git-branch <Git Branch>

Create a device tree for the handoff-file with user repo as repo mentioned in <Git URL> and user branch as <Git Branch>.

createdts -hw zc702.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree
-local-repo /my_local_git_repo

Create a device tree for the handoff-file and use the local repo.

createdts -hw vck190.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree
-out /device-tree_output_directory

Create a device tree at the out directory specified by device-tre output directory.

createdts -hw zcu102.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree -overlay
-zocl -compile

Create device tree for the handoff-file with overlay and zocl node. Compile flag compiles the device tree blob file from the DTS.

createdts -hw zcu102.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree -board <Board Name>

Creates a device tree adding board value to the library, Board names available at <DTG Repo>/device_tree/data/kernel_dtsi.

createdts -update -hw newdesign.xsa

Updates existing device tree platform with new XSA.

createdts -hw vck190 -platform-name vck190 -out <out_dir>
-dtsi [list path/system-conf.dtsi path/system-user.dtsi]

Create device tree with custom-dtsi-files included.