bpadd - 2023.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

Set a breakpoint/watchpoint.


bpadd <options>

Set a software or hardware breakpoint at address, function or <file>:<line>, or set a read/write watchpoint, or set a cross-trigger breakpoint.


Option Description
-addr <breakpoint-address> Specify the address at which the breakpoint should be set.
-file <file-name> Specify the <file-name> in which the breakpoint should be set.
-line <line-number> Specify the <line-number> within the file where the breakpoint should be set.
-type <breakpoint-type> Specify the breakpoint type <breakpoint-type> can be one of the values below: auto = Auto-breakpoint type is chosen by the hw_server/TCF agent. This is the default type. hw = hardware breakpoint. sw = software breakpoint.
-mode <breakpoint-mode> Specify the access mode that will trigger the breakpoint. <breakpoint-mode> can be a bitwise OR of the values below: 0x1 is triggered by a read from the breakpoint location. 0x2 is triggered by a write to the breakpoint location. 0x4 is triggered by an instruction execution at the breakpoint location. This is the default for line and address breakpoints. 0x8 is triggered by a data change (not an explicit write) at the breakpoint location.
-enable <mode> Specify initial enablement state of breakpoint. When <mode> is 0 the breakpoint is disabled, otherwise the breakpoint is enabled. The default is enabled.
-ct-input <list> -ct-output <list> Specify input and output cross triggers. <list> is a list of numbers identifying the cross trigger pin. For Zynq 0-7 it is CTI for core 0, 8-15 is CTI for core 1, 16-23 is CTI ETB and TPIU, and 24-31 is CTI for FTM.
-skip-on-step <value> Specify the trigger behaviour on stepping. This option is only applicable for cross trigger breakpoints and when DBGACK is used as breakpoint input. 0 = trigger every time core is stopped (default). 1 = suppress trigger on stepping over a code breakpoint. 2 = suppress trigger on any kind of stepping.
-properties <dict> Specify advanced breakpoint properties.
-meta-data <dict> Specify metadata of advanced breakpoint properties.
-target-id <id> Specify a target ID for which the breakpoint should be set. A breakpoint can be set for all the targets by specifying the <id> as "all". If this option is not used, the breakpoint is set for the active target selected through targets command. If there is no active target, the breakpoint is set for all targets.
-temp The breakpoint is removed after it is triggered once.
-skip-prologue For function breakpoints, the function prologue is skipped while planting the breakpoint.


  • Breakpoints can be set in XSDB before connecting to hw_server/TCF agent. If there is an active target when a breakpoint is set, the breakpoint will be enabled only for that active target. If there is no active target, the breakpoint will be enabled for all the targets. The target-id option can be used to set a breakpoint for a specific target, or all targets. An address breakpoint or a file:line breakpoint can also be set without the options -addr, -file, or -line. For address breakpoints, specify the address as an argument, after all other options. For file:line breakpoints, specify the file name and line number in the format <file>:<line>, as an argument, after all other options.


Breakpoint id or an error if invalid target id is specified.


bpadd -addr 0x100000

Set a Breakpoint at address 0x100000. Breakpoint type is chosen by hw_server/TCF agent.

bpadd -addr &main

Set a function Breakpoint at main. Breakpoint type is chosen by hw_server/TCF agent.

bpadd -file test.c -line 23 -type hw

Set a hardware breakpoint at test.c:23.

bpadd -target-id all 0x100

Set a breakpoint for all targets, at address 0x100.

bpadd -target-id 2 test.c:23

Set a breakpoint for target 2, at line 23 in test.c.

bpadd -addr &fooVar -type hw -mode 0x3

Set a read/write watchpoint on variable fooVar.

bpadd -ct-input 0 -ct-output 8

Set a cross trigger to stop Zynq core 1 when core 0 stops.