Running Tcl Scripts - 2023.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

You can create Tcl scripts with XSCT commands and run them in an interactive or non-interactive mode. In the interactive mode, you can source the script at XSCT prompt. For example:

xsct% source xsct_script.tcl 

In the non-interactive mode, you can run the script by specifying the script as a launch argument. Arguments to the script can follow the script name. For example:

$ xsct xsct_script.tcl [args]

The script below provides a usage example of XSCT. This script creates and builds an application, connects to a remote hw_server, initializes the Zynq PS connected to remote host, downloads and executes the application on the target. These commands can be either scripted or run interactively.

# Set Vitis workspace
setws /tmp/workspace
# Create application project
app create -name hello -hw /tmp/wrk/system.xsa -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os standalone -lang C -template {Hello World}
app build -name hello hw_server
connect -host raptor-host
# Select a target
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ “Arm* #0}
# System Reset
rst -system
# PS7 initialization
namespace eval xsdb {source /tmp/workspace/hw1/ps7_init.tcl; ps7_init}
# Download the elf
dow /tmp/workspace/hello/Debug/hello.elf
# Insert a breakpoint @ main
bpadd -addr &main
# Continue execution until the target is suspended
con -block -timeout 500
# Print the target registers
puts [rrd]
# Resume the target