Processor-Specific Parameters - 2023.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

Following is a list of all of the parameters that can be specified only in a processor definition block.


The peripheral that is used to handle the XMDStub should be specified in the XMDSTUB_PERIPHERAL option. This is useful for the MicroBlaze™ processor only, and is formatted as follows:

parameter XMDSTUB_PERIPHERAL = instance_name


This option specifies the compiler used for compiling drivers and libraries. The compiler defaults to mb-gcc or powerpc-eabi-gcc depending on whether the drivers are part of the MicroBlaze processor or PowerPC processor instance. Any other compatible compiler can be specified as an option, and should be formatted as follows:

This example denotes the Diab compiler as the compiler to be used for drivers and libraries.


This option specifies the utility to be used for archiving object files into libraries. The archiver defaults to mb-ar or powerpc-eabi-ar depending on whether or not the drivers are part of the MicroBlaze or PowerPC processor instance. Any other compatible archiver can be specified as an option, and should be formatted as follows:

parameter ARCHIVER = ar
parameter COMPILER = dcc

This example denotes the archiver ar to be used for drivers and libraries.


This option specifies compiler flags to be used for compiling drivers and libraries. If the option is not specified, the tool automatically uses platform and processor-specific options. This option should not be specified in the MSS file if the standard compilers and archivers are used.

The COMPILER_FLAGS option can be defined in the MSS if there is a need for custom compiler flags that override generated flags. The EXTRA_COMPILER_FLAGS option is recommended if compiler flags must be appended to the ones already generated.

Format this option as follows:

parameter COMPILER_FLAGS = ““


This option can be used whenever custom compiler flags need to be used in addition to the automatically generated compiler flags, and should be formatted as follows:


This example specifies that the drivers and libraries must be compiled with debugging symbols in addition to the generated COMPILER_FLAGS.

Example: MSS Snippet Showing Processor Options

parameter HW_INSTANCE = my_microblaze
parameter DRIVER_NAME = cpu
parameter DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a
parameter DEFAULT_INIT = xmdstub
parameter XMDSTUB_PERIPHERAL = my_jtag
parameter STDIN = my_uartlite_1
parameter STDOUT = my_uartlite_1
parameter COMPILER = mb-gcc
parameter ARCHIVER = mb-ar
parameter EXTRA_COMPILER_FLAGS = -g -O0
parameter OS = standalone