Modifying a Linker Script - 2023.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
There are multiple ways to update the linker script.

Linker script is located with the source code of your application component. Update it by executing the following steps.

  1. Select the application component in the component view and expand Sources. Right click lscript.ld to open it.

  2. You can view the source code of the linker file by clicking the </> button.
  3. Undo/Redo: undo or redo the last actions for linker file.
  4. You can reset the linker script by clicking the Reset linker script button..

The linker script editor provides the following functionality.

Note: This linker script supports text format as well. You can click </> button to change to text format to do modification.
Table 1. Linker Script Editor Functionality
Name Function
Add Memory Regions This section lists the memory regions specified in the linker script. You can add a new region by clicking on the Add button to the right. You can modify the name, base address and size of each defined memory region.
Stack and Heap Sizes This section displays the sizes of the stack and heap sections. Simply edit the value in the text box to update the sizes for these sections.
Section to Memory Region Mapping This section provides a way to change the assigned memory region for any section defined in the linker script. To change the assigned memory region, simply click on the memory region to bring a drop-down menu from which an alternative memory region can be selected. You can select several or whole section and click drop-down button to change to a memory region together.