The mb-as
assembler for the MicroBlaze soft
processor supports the same set of options supported by the standard GNU compiler tools.
It also supports the same set of assembler directives supported by the standard GNU
The mb-as
assembler supports all the opcodes
in the MicroBlaze machine instruction set, with the
exception of the imm
instruction. The mb-as
assembler generates imm
instructions when large immediate values are used. The assembly
language programmer is never required to write code with imm
instructions. For more information on the MicroBlaze instruction set, refer to the MicroBlaze Processor
Reference Guide (UG081).
The mb-as
assembler requires all MicroBlaze
instructions with an immediate operand to be specified as a constant or a label. If the
instruction requires a PC-relative operand, then the mb-as
computes it and includes an imm instruction if necessary.
For example, the branch immediate if equal (beqi
) instruction requires a
PC-relative operand.
The assembly programmer should use this instruction as follows:
beqi r3, mytargetlabel
where mytargetlabel
is the label of the target instruction. The
assembler computes the immediate value of the instruction as
mytargetlabel - PC
If this immediate value is greater than 16 bits, the mb-as
automatically inserts an imm instruction. If the value of mytargetlabel
is not known at the time of compilation, the mb-as
assembler always
inserts an imm
instruction. Use the relax option of the linker remove
any unnecessary imm instructions.
Similarly, if an instruction needs a large constant as an operand, the assembly language
programmer should use the operand as is, without using an imm
instruction. For example, the following code adds the constant 200,000 to the contents
of register r3, and stores the results in register r4:
addi r4, r3, 200000
The mb-as
assembler recognizes that this operand needs an imm
instruction, and inserts one automatically.
In addition to the standard MicroBlaze instruction set, the
assembler also supports some pseudo-op codes to ease the task
of assembly programming. The following table lists the supported pseudo-opcodes.
Pseudo Opcodes | Explanation |
nop | No operation. Replaced by instruction: or R0, R0, R0 |
la Rd, Ra, Imm | Replaced by instruction: addik Rd, Ra, imm; = Rd = Ra + Imm; |
not Rd, Ra | Replace by instruction: xori Rd, Ra, -1 |
neg Rd, Ra | Replace by instruction: rsub Rd, Ra, R0 |
sub Rd, Ra, Rb | Replace by instruction: rsub Rd, Rb, Ra |