AMD does not recommend using global variables in classes. They can prevent
some optimizations from occurring. In the following code example, a class is used to create the
component for a filter (class polyd_cell
is used as a
component that performs shift, multiply and accumulate operations).
typedef long long acc_t;
typedef int mult_t;
typedef char data_t;
typedef char coef_t;
#define TAPS 3
#define PHASES 4
#define DATA_SAMPLES 256
#define CELL_SAMPLES 12
// Use k on line 73 static int k;
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, int N>
class polyd_cell {
T0 areg;
T0 breg;
T2 mreg;
T1 preg;
T0 shift[N];
int k; //line 73
T0 shift_output;
void exec(T1 *pcout, T0 *dataOut, T1 pcin, T3 coeff, T0 data, int col)
if (col==0) {
SHIFT:for (k = N-1; k >= 0; --k) {
if (k > 0)
shift[k] = shift[k-1];
shift[k] = data;
*dataOut = shift_output;
shift_output = shift[N-1];
*pcout = (shift[4*col]* coeff) + pcin;
// Top-level function with class instantiated
void cpp_class_data (
acc_t *dataOut,
coef_t coeff1[PHASES][TAPS],
coef_t coeff2[PHASES][TAPS],
data_t dataIn[DATA_SAMPLES],
int row
) {
acc_t pcin0 = 0;
acc_t pcout0, pcout1;
data_t dout0, dout1;
int col;
static acc_t accum=0;
static int sample_count = 0;
static polyd_cell<data_t, acc_t, mult_t, coef_t, CELL_SAMPLES>
static polyd_cell<data_t, acc_t, mult_t, coef_t, CELL_SAMPLES>
COL:for (col = 0; col <= TAPS-1; ++col) {
if ((row==0) && (col==2)) {
*dataOut = accum;
accum = pcout1;
} else {
accum = pcout1 + accum;
Within class polyd_cell
there is a loop SHIFT
used to shift data. If the loop index k
used in loop SHIFT
was removed and replaced with the global index for k
(shown earlier in the example, but commented static int k
), Vitis HLS is
unable to pipeline any loop or function in which class polyd_cell
was used. Vitis
HLS would issue the following message:
@W [XFORM-503] Cannot unroll loop 'SHIFT' in function 'polyd_cell<char, long long,
int, char, 12>::exec' completely: variable loop bound.
Using local non-global variables for loop indexing ensures that Vitis HLS can perform all optimizations.