The most typical use of the HLS compiler is to create an initial design, analyze the results, and then perform optimizations to meet the desired area and performance goals. This is often an iterative process, requiring multiple steps and multiple optimizations to achieve the desired results. When you begin to explore possible solutions to design challenges, you can clone an HLS component to let you preserve one while using the second for exploration.
To clone an HLS component right-click the component in the Vitis Component Explorer and select the Clone Component command, as shown in the following figure. This opens the Clone Component dialog box, prompting you for a new name for the component.
After creating the cloned component, the design will include the same source files, test bench files, top-level function, and HLS configuration file settings. However, none of the flow steps in Flow Navigator will have been completed. You can edit the configuration file settings or other settings of the new HLS component and begin working through the build process. Keep the original HLS component in its current state, or develop two different branching approaches to the design.