Design Flows - 2023.2 English - UG1273

Versal Adaptive SoC Design Guide (UG1273)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

There are two design flows for AMD Versalâ„¢ adaptive SoC: the traditional design flow and the platform-based design flow. To use Versal adaptive SoC resources to their full potential, it is important to choose the correct design flow. The following table shows which design flow to use based on the design type and targeted device series.

Table 1. Design Flows
Design Type Device Series Design Flow
Hardware-only system

Versal Prime Series

Versal Premium Series

Versal HBM Series

Embedded system

Versal Prime Series

Versal Premium Series

Versal HBM Series

Embedded AI Engine system Versal AI Core Series Platform-based
Note: For more information on design types, see the Versal Adaptive SoC System and Solution Planning Methodology Guide (UG1504).