petalinux-package --bsp Command Options - 2023.2 English - UG1144

PetaLinux Tools Documentation: Reference Guide (UG1144)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The following table details the options that are valid when packaging a PetaLinux BSP file with the petalinux-package --bsp command.

Table 1. petalinux-package --bsp Command Options
Option Functional Description Value Range Default Value
-o, --output BSPNAME Path on disk to store the BSP file. File name is of the form BSPNAME.bsp. This is required. User-specified None
-p,--project PROJECT PetaLinux project directory path. In the BSP context, multiple project areas can be referenced and included in the output BSP file. This is optional. User-specified None
--force Overwrite existing files on disk. This is optional. None None
--clean Clean the hardware implementation results to reduce package size. This is optional. None None
--hwsource HWPROJECT Path to an AMD Vivado™ design tools project to include in the BSP file. AMD Vivado™ hardware project is added to the hardware directory of the output BSP. This is optional. None None
--exclude-from-file EXCLUDE_FILE Excludes the files mentioned in EXCLUDE_FILE from BSP. User-specified None