petalinux-package --boot - 2023.2 English - UG1144

PetaLinux Tools Documentation: Reference Guide (UG1144)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The petalinux-package --boot command generates a bootable image that can be used directly with AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC, AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC and Zynq 7000 devices, and also with MicroBlaze™ -based FPGA designs. For devices in the Zynq series, bootable format is BOOT.BIN which can be booted from an SD card. For MicroBlaze-based designs, the default format is an MCS PROM file suitable for programming using AMD Vivado™ Design Suite or other PROM programmer.

For devices in the Zynq series, this workflow is a wrapper around the bootgen utility provided with the Vitis software platform. For MicroBlaze-based FPGA designs, this workflow is a wrapper around the corresponding Vivado Tcl commands and generates an MCS formatted programming file. This MCS file can be programmed directly to a target board and booted.