SoC Variant Support - 2023.2 English - UG1144

PetaLinux Tools Documentation: Reference Guide (UG1144)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

AMD delivers multiple devices for each SoC product. AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC is shipped in three device variants. For more information see here. Zynq 7000 devices are shipped in two variants. For more information, see here.

SOC_VARIANT extends overrides with ${SOC_FAMILY}${SOC_VARIANT}. It further extends overrides with components on the SoC (for example, Mali™ , VCU). This makes reusing the component overrides depending on the SoC. This feature is mainly used to switch to hardware acceleration automatically if the hardware design has the corresponding IP (VCU or USP). AMD distributes SoCs with multiple variants as follows:

  1. Zynq 7000 devices are distributed as Zynq7000zs and Zynq7000z. The available SOC_VARIANTs are:
    • "7zs" - Zynq 7000 Single A9 Core

      "7z" - Zynq 7000 Dual A9 Core

    • Default SOC_VARIANT for Zynq 7000 devices is "7z". For 7000zs devices, add the SOC_VARIANT = "7zs" in petalinuxbsp.conf

    There are no additional overrides for Zynq 7000 devices.

  2. Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC is shipped in four device variants. The available SOC_VARIANTs are:
    • "cg" - Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC CG Devices
    • "eg" - Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC EG Devices
    • "ev" - Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC EV Devices
    • "dr" - Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC RFSoC devices
    The default value is "eg." PetaLinux automatically assigns "ev" and "dr" based on the presence of IP in the XSA.
    Note: You have to explicitly set SOC_VARIANT = "cg" in petalinuxbsp.conf for "CG" devices.
  3. Versal adaptive SoC is shipped only in one design variant currently. The available SOC_VARIANTs are:
    • "prime" - Versal Prime devices
    • "ai-core" - Versal ai-core devices
    • "ai-edge" - Versal ai-edge devices
    • "premium" - Versal premium devices
    • "hbm" - Versal H50 hbm enabled devices