Use the following steps to recover password:
- Set "launch_ramdisk_init" U-Boot environment variable in uEnv.txt
- Add the file into fat partition of sd/emmc/usb boot devicesNote: Instead of previous variable, you can also set this bootargs
setenv bootargs 'ext4=/dev/null:/rootfs init_fatal_sh=1 ';
in uEnv.txt or from U-Boot prompt before kernel handoff. - U-Boot reads the file and boot with tiny rootfs
- On tiny rootfs, mount rootfs partition to
mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt/
- Change the root directory for the current running process to the specified directory
chroot /mnt
- Change the password
passwd petalinux
- Sync and unmount
sync exit umount /dev/mmcblk0p2
- Reset the board and try to login using updated password