Customizing the Generated Dynamic Configuration PL dtsi Files - 2023.2 English - UG1144

PetaLinux Tools Documentation: Reference Guide (UG1144)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

If you have any custom user dtsi files to this PL applications or PL properties, you can refer to this section

  • For Zynq full PL programming if you have a custom pl dtsi file, provide the custom dtsi file to the srcuri and it is used while generating pl.dtbo file
    petalinux-create -t apps --template dfx_dtg_zynq_full -n can-interface --srcuri "<path-to-xsa>/system.xsa pl-custom.dtsi" --enable
  • For ZynqMP full PL programming, if you have a custom pl dtsi file, provide the custom dtsi file to the srcuri and it is used while generating pl.dtbo file
    petalinux-create -t apps --template dfx_dtg_zynqmp_full -n can-interface --srcuri "<path-to-xsa>/system.xsa pl-custom.dtsi" --enable
  • For Versal full PL programming, if you have a custom pl dtsi file, provide the custom dtsi file to the srcuri and it is used while generating pl.dtbo file
     petalinux-create -t apps --template dfx_dtg_versal_full -n can-interface --srcuri "<path-to-xsa>/system.xsa pl-custom.dtsi" --enable
  • For ZynqMP DFX programming if you have a custom pl dtsi file for static PL, provide the custom dtsi file to the srcuri and it is used while generating pl.dtbo file
    petalinux-create -t apps --template dfx_dtg_zynqmp_static -n <static-app> --enable --srcuri "<static xsa> pl-custom.dtsi"
  • For ZynqMP DFX programming, if you have a custom pl dtsi file for rm PL application, provide the custom dtsi file to the srcuri, and it is used while generating pl-partial-rm.dtbo file
    petalinux-create -t apps --template dfx_dtg_zynqmp_partial -n <rm-app> --enable --srcuri <rm.xsa> pl-partial-custom.dtsi" --static-pn <static-app>
  • For Versal DFX programming, if you have a custom pl dtsi file for static PL, provide the custom dtsi file to the srcuri and it is used while generating pl.dtbo file
    petalinux-create -t apps --template dfx_dtg_versal_static -n <static-app> --enable --srcuri "<static xsa> pl-custom.dtsi"
  • For Versal DFX programming, if you have a custom pl dtsi file for rm PL application, provide the custom dtsi file to the srcuri, and it is used while generating pl-partial-rm.dtbo file
    petalinux-create -t apps --template dfx_dtg_versal_partial -n <rm-app> --enable --srcuri <rm.xsa> pl-partial-custom.dtsi" --static-pn <static-app>