Boot Built Linux as dom0 - 2023.2 English - UG1144

PetaLinux Tools Documentation: Reference Guide (UG1144)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
  1. Copy built Xen images to your TFTP directory so that you can load them from U-Boot with TFTP.
    cd <plnx-proj-root>
    cp images/linux/system.dtb <tftpboot>/
    cp images/linux/Image <tftpboot>/
    cp images/linux/xen_boot_tftp.scr <tftpboot>/
    cp images/linux/xen_boot_sd.scr  <tftpboot>/
    cp images/linux/xen  <tftpboot>/
    cp images/linux/rootfs.cpio.gz  <tftpboot>/
  2. Boot built U-Boot image on the board with either JTAG boot or boot from SD card.
    Note: You can also point external built images for dom1 and dom2 to the domU kernels in the configuration, so that Xen boot script is updated with the images that are being pointed. Example to edit the configuration file and build xen boot script as follows:
    vi images/linux/xen.cfg
    export XEN_CONFIG="<Absolute path for xen.cfg>"
    export XEN_CONFIG_SKIP="1"
    petalinux-build -c kernel -x do_deploy
    Note: Xen boot files are generated in the <plnx-proj-root>/images/linux folder.
  3. Setup TFTP server IP from U-Boot:
    Platform> setenv serverip <TFTP SERVERIP>
    Note: Platform refers to AMD Versal™ or AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC.
  4. Load Xen images from U-Boot:
    TFTP Boot
    xen_boot_tftp.scr, to be loaded at address 0xC00000 as shown::
    tftpb 0xC00000 xen_boot_tftp.scr; source 0xC00000
    SD Boot
    xen_boot_sd.scr, to be loaded at address 0xC00000 as shown:
    load mmc 0:1 0xC00000 xen_boot_sd.scr; source 0xC00000
    Note: For more information, see