Using the Ethernet-Based Recovery Tool - 2023.2 English - UG1137

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Software Developer Guide (UG1137)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The SOM solution stack includes an Ethernet-based recovery mode that can be used with an application on a host PC to provide a full factory QSPI image reset/reload mechanism. The recovery tool will be maintained in a reserved section of the QSPI memory. Ethernet-based recovery was selected over USB as many security minded customers prefer to disable the USB but are using Ethernet in their applications. The Ethernet recovery application is an application that runs a simplified Ethernet stack for interacting with a customer/engineer’s host machine (for example, a laptop) to allow a manual update/overwrite of Image A and Image B on QSPI on SOM.

Ethernet-based recovery requires no incremental tools on your PC besides a web browser. Your PC must have the new firmware binary file in its local file-system. You should be able to handle downloading the associated AMD factory boot file updates from an AMD repository, and the on-target firmware will handle the mapping of a given file to physical address and the act of writing to flash. Image recovery utility uses a fixed IP address of

The Ethernet-based recovery tool is capable of reading the sideband control EEPROMs to verify the make and model of the SOM. The Ethernet factory fallback/recovery process is initiated by holding the FWUEN button during a power on reset sequence. The tool requires the firmware update button to be depressed to over-write any firmware contents. It updates the corresponding A/B persistent registers to an appropriate state.

To use the Ethernet-based recovery tool, follow these steps:

  1. Hold the firmware update enable (FWUEN) button when powering on the device.
  2. Connect the PC to the KV260 Starter Kit via Ethernet as shown in the following figure.

  3. Set the PC to a static IP that is on the same subnet as the recovery tool (, but not the same IP address.
  4. Use a web-browser (for example, Chrome or Firefox) to enter the URL for access to the Ethernet-based recovery tool.
  5. Use the GUI to update either the A or B boot firmware partitions with a boot.bin file from the file system on the PC.

The Ethernet recovery tool interface is shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Ethernet Recovery Tool