Creating a Custom Module - 2023.2 English - UG1137

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Software Developer Guide (UG1137)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
To create a custom module, add the following code to PMU firmware:
/* IPI Handler */
static void CustomIpiHandler(const XPfw_Module_t *ModPtr, u32 IpiNum, u32 SrcMask,
const u32* Payload, u8 Len)
* Code to handle the IPI message received

/* CfgInit Handler */
static void CustomCfgInit(const XPfw_Module_t *ModPtr, const u32 *CfgData,
u32 Len)
* Code to configure the module, register for events or add scheduler tasks

/* Event Handler */
static void CustomEventHandler(const XPfw_Module_t *ModPtr, u32 EventId)
* Code to handle the events received

* Create a Mod and assign the Handlers. We will call this function
* from XPfw_UserStartup()
void ModCustomInit(void)
 const XPfw_Module_t *CustomModPtr = XPfw_CoreCreateMod();
 (void) XPfw_CoreSetCfgHandler(CustomModPtr, CustomCfgInit);
 (void) XPfw_CoreSetEventHandler(CustomModPtr, CustomEventHandler);
 (void) XPfw_CoreSetIpiHandler(CustomModPtr, CustomIpiHandler, (u16)IPI_ID);