The Package
IP window shows the current IP identification information,
including Vendor, Library, Name, and Version (VLNV) attributes of the newly packaged
- In the Package IP window, select the
Identification pane in the left side
panel, and fill in the right side with the following information:
- Vendor
- Library
- Name
- Version
- Display name
My Simple UART
- Description
My simple example UART interface
- Vendor display name
<My Company>
- Company url
- For the Categories
option, select the Add button
to open the Choose IP Categories dialog box, as shown in the following figure.
The Choose IP Categories dialog box lets you select various appropriate categories to help classify the new IP definition. When you add the IP definition to the IP catalog, the IP lists under the specified categories.
- Select the Serial Interfaces box under Communications & Networking because the IP is a UART interface.
- Click OK.