Step 1: Open the Vivado Project - 2023.2 English - UG1119

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Creating and Packaging Custom IP (UG1119)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
  1. Launch the AMD Vivado™ IDE.
    • On Linux:
      • Change to the directory where the lab materials are stored: cd <Extract_Dir>/lab_1.
      • Launch the Vivado Design Suite IDE: vivado.
    • On Windows:
      • Launch the Vivado Design Suite IDE:

        Select Start > All Programs > Xilinx Design Tools > Vivado 2023.x > Vivado 2023.x.


        Click the Vivado 2023.x desktop icon to start the Vivado IDE.

    The Vivado IDE Getting Started page displays with links to open or create projects, and to view documentation. For either Windows or Linux, continue the lab from this point.

  2. Click Open Project, and browse to: <Extract_Dir>/lab_1.
    Note: Your Vivado Design Suite installation might have a different name on the Start menu.
  3. Select the my_simple_uart.xpr project and click OK.

    The design loads, and you see the Vivado IDE in the default layout view, with the Project Summary information as shown in the following figure.