- Examine the <Extract_Dir>/lab_4/trunk location.
The directory contains the files for the respective custom IP that would exist in the repository. In particular, there are two source directories.
- common_v1_0: Directory contains source for logic common to the IP within the repository trunk.
- myip_v1_0: Directory contains source for custom IP.
The common_v1_0 directory contains a source file that is required by myip_v1_0. Because the component.xml file for myip_v1_0 cannot reference a source file from outside the IP root directory, the source file from common_v1_0 must be referenced differently.
Note: The directories containing the source files should be organized to ensure proper packaging. For an example on how to properly organize your source files, see Packaging a Specified Directory. Although not described in this lab, if your repository trunk does not have the same structure, you can package each source directory by packaging the associated Vivado project. - Examine the files in each of the directories for more information about the structure of the repository trunk.