Viewing the Generated VCD in the Vitis Unified IDE - 2023.2 English - UG1076

AI Engine Tools and Flows User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The Vitis Unified IDE displays the signals generated in the VCD. By default, stream switch FIFO signals, and signals connected between the PLIO and the AI Engine are generated in the VCD and are displayed in the IDE. The following section explains the details of the VCD signal selection.

AI Engine I/O
When the AIE_DUMP_VCD_IO option is enabled in the options.txt file, the I/Os for each of the kernels are displayed in the IDE. All the stall signals for lock requests can also be seen.
Figure 1. AI Engine VCD I/O Data Display
When the AIE_DUMP_VCD_DMA is enabled in the options.txt file, the DMA transaction on the buffers are displayed in the IDE. Also displayed:
  • DMA transactions.
  • MM2S, and S2MM transactions with their channel IDs.
  • Buffer descriptors (BD0,BD1).
  • The associated locks (lock0, lock1) with the values on the locks which indicate if the locks have been acquired for read or write.
Figure 2. DMA VCD Data Display
When the AIE_DUMP_VCD_CORE option is enabled in the options.txt file, the core signals, which is a combination of kernels, I/O and the DMA signals, are displayed. Also displayed are:
  • All functions and their transitions.
  • All the stalls on the functions.
  • The kernel I/O with the core requesting read and write locks.
  • DMA transactions.
  • MM2S, and S2MM transactions with their channel IDs.
  • Buffer descriptors.
  • The associated locks with the values on the locks which indicate if the locks have been acquired for read or write.
Figure 3. Core Data Display
Shim Tile
When the AIE_DUMP_VCD_SHIM option is enabled in the options.txt file, the Shim tile signals are displayed. Also displayed are:
  • The streams to and from the Shim interface tiles.
  • Net mapped to the Shim tile.
  • Nets that pass through the Shim tiles if the stream switch option is enabled along with the Shim tile option.
Figure 4. Shim Tile Data Display
Stream Switch
When the AIE_DUMP_VCD_STREAM_SWITCH option is enabled in the options.txt file, the stream switch signals are displayed. The Trace contains all the nets related to the network for all the tiles under the stream switch. Only the network events can be seen in the trace.
Figure 5. Stream Switch Data Display