Viewing Profile Results in the Vitis IDE - 2023.2 English - UG1076

AI Engine Tools and Flows User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

To view the profile results obtained using the XRT flow, use the following command:

vitis -a xrt.run_summary

To launch the Vitis IDE to view the profiling information in the XSDB flow, use the following command.

vitis -a aie_trace_profile.run_summary

Performance Annotation in Graph View

Depending on what is profiled in the hardware, the performance data can be contained in specific tables in the graph view. By hovering the mouse over the corresponding object, the performance is displayed.

Following example shows how output throughput is measured in the hardware and where is it shown in the graph view.

  1. Add the content to xrt.ini:
  2. And then run application to get profiling result, and view it in the Vitis IDE.

The performance data is contained in Interface Channels table. By hovering the mouse on the profiled port, the performance data is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Performance Annotation on Output Throughput

Example of heat_map Core Metrics and conflicts Memory Metrics

The following image shows the design's active time, stall time, cumulative instruction count, and vector instruction count as part of heat_map metric and memory conflict time, as well as cumulative memory error time of conflicts metrics for ten tiles of an example design.

Figure 2. Example of heat_map and conflicts Metrics

Consider the AI Engine located in (15,0). During the active utilization time (5.120 ms) it performs 5120000 vector instructions which represents 87% of the active time. This is an excellent performance that indicates a well optimized core.

Example of stalls Core Metrics and dma_locks Memory Metrics

The following image shows the design's memory stall time, stream stall time, cascade stall time, and lock stall time as part of stalls metrics and cumulative DMA activity time, as well as cumulative DMA locks count of dma_locks metrics for ten tiles of an example design.

Figure 3. Example of stalls and dma_locks Metrics

On the core (24,2), the DMA has been active for 70.645 ms (77.8 millions instructions), but has been stalled 298 times.

Example of execution Core Metrics and conflicts Memory Metrics

The following image shows the design's cumulative instruction count, vector instruction count, load instruction count, and store instruction count as part of execution metrics and memory conflict time, as well as cumulative memory error time of conflicts metrics for ten tiles of an example design.

Figure 4. Example of execution and conflicts Metrics

Although they are minor, core (15,1) suffers from some memory conflicts that must be identified. The occurrence being very small might be due to some DMA or some other kernel access interference.

Example of read_throughputs and write_throughputs AI Engine Metrics and dma_stalls_s2mm and dma_stalls_mm2s AI Engine Memory Metrics

The following image shows the design's stream and cascade read and write instruction count as part of read_throughputs and write_throughputs metrics and s2mm and mm2s channel0 and channel1 stalls time of dma_stalls_s2mm and dma_stalls_mm2smetrics for ten tiles of an example design.

Figure 5. Data Table for read and write throughputs of the AI Engines and stalls of all mm2s and s2mm Channels of the AI Engine Memories
Figure 6. Charts for Cascade Read and Stream read Instruction Time in Percent

You can see here that there is a cascade write and a stream write more than 45% of the time in the AI Engine kernels. This is necessary to keep the AI Engine active because the stream throughputs is much less than the memory throughput.

Example of heat_map Core Metrics and dma_locks Memory Metrics

The following image shows the design's active time, stall time, cumulative instruction count and vector_instruction_count as part of heat_map metrics and cumulative DMA activity time, as well as cumulative DMA locks count of dma_lock metrics for ten tiles of an example design.

Figure 7. Example of heat_map and dma_locks Metrics

The cumulative DMA Activity time jointly with the Cumulative DMA Locks count allows you to see if there is any discrepancy between lock acquisition number and the number of data transferred through the DMAs. The relative number of locks count can also be used to interpret the relative number of iterations of each core.

Example of input_throughputs Interface Metrics

The following image shows the design's input throughput at the PLIO level as part of input_throughputs:0 metric in a 8 x 8 cascaded tiles design.

Figure 8. Example of input_throughputs:0 Interface Metrics

In this graph, the channel 0 throughput for all input PLIOs is approximately 95% which is close to the achievable maximum. After this profiling step, verify that the AI Engines are not starving for data.

Report Consolidation in the Vitis IDE

During the profiling stage, not all metrics can be used at the same time during runtime. You can run the design in hardware multiple times by rebooting the board, each run using different profile metric sets in xrt.ini. Typically, for AI Engine interface throughput profiling, a single channel (the same for all PLIOs) can be profiled during runtime. Multiple channel profiling will necessitate multiple runs.

In the Vitis IDE, you can consolidate multiple reports from different runs of the same design. That enables you to display the throughput of multiple interface channels, for example. While vitis -a is run with the xrt.run_summary of a specific run of the design, other xrt.run_summary reports can be opened by clicking the + toolbar button in the main toolbar and a window toolbar, as shown below.

Figure 9. The Add (+) Button in the Main Toolbar
Figure 10. The Add (+) Button in a Window Toolbar

After consolidating the profiling data for input PLIOs channels 0 and 4, and output PLIOs channel 0, the Vitis IDE can display the following table:

Figure 11. Channel 0 and 4 Input and Channel 0 Output PLIO Throughput