Profiling for Interface Tiles - 2023.2 English - UG1076

AI Engine Tools and Flows User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The following tables list the pre-defined metric set configurations available for interface tiles. In the xrt.ini file all of these metric names should be in lower case and assigned to the metric selector tile_based_interface_tile_metrics.

All these metric sets are targeted to a single channel in each PLIO which is specified just after the metric set. For example, tile_based_interface_tile_metrics=all:input_throughputs:2 will profile all the channels number 2 which are used in all the input PLIOs.

Table 1. input_throughputs
Metric Name Event ID Description
PLIO channel transfer time 75 Time the PLIO channel spent transferring data.
PLIO channel stalls time 76 Time the PLIO channel spent in stall state: consumer (AI Engine array) is unable to accept new data, producer (PL) is willing to send new data.
PLIO channel idle time Derived Time the PLIO channel spent in idle state: consumer (AI Engine array) is ready, producer (PL) is idle.
PLIO channel throughput Derived Throughput of the PLIO.

These values are referring to a specific input channel of the PLIOs (PL to AI Engine) among the 8 available (0 to 7).

Table 2. output_throughputs
Metric Name Event ID Description
PLIO channel transfer time 75 Time the PLIO channel spent transferring data.
PLIO channel stalls time 76 Time the PLIO channel spent in stall state: consumer (PL) is unable to accept new data, producer (AI Engine) is willing to send new data.
PLIO channel idle time Derived Time the PLIO channel spent in idle state: consumer (PL) is ready, producer (AI Engine) is idle.
PLIO channel throughput Derived Throughput of the PLIO.

These values are referring to a specific output channel of the PLIOs (AI Engine to PL) among the 6 available (0 to 5).

Table 3. packets
Metric Name Event ID Description
TLAST event count on port 0 77 Reports the number of input packets
TLAST event count on port 1 81 Reports the number of output packets

These values are referring to a specific input channel of all the PLIOs (PL to AI Engine) among the 8 available (0 to 7).