Generate AI Engine-only and PL-only XCLBIN - 2023.2 English - UG1076

AI Engine Tools and Flows User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
You will compile and link the AI Engine graphs and PL kernels using v++ for the reset and reload flow as is typically done. However, during packaging you must generate AI Engine-only and PL-only XCLBIN files. The XCLBIN inputs are defined below.
  • AI Engine-only XCLBIN: Contains AI Engine metadata, AI Engine PDI, and PL metadata. It allows XRT to reset and reload the AI Engine array.
  • PL-only XCLBIN: Contains only PL metadata, and it allows XRT to reload PL information.

Generate AI Engine-only XCLBIN

  1. Add the following constraints to a configuration file (package_aie_only.cfg):
  2. Run with v++ packager which takes the configuration file as input, as shown:
    v++ -p -t hw -f ${PLATFORM} \
        --config package_aie_only.cfg \
        --package.defer_aie_run \
        --package.rootfs ${ROOTFS} \
        --output aie_only.xclbin \
        libadf.a <HW xsa by v++ linker>

Generate PL-only XCLBIN

  1. Add the following constraints to a configuration file (package_pl_only.cfg):
  2. Run with v++ packager which takes the configuration file as input, as shown:
    v++ -p -t hw -f ${PLATFORM} \
        --config package_pl_only.cfg \
        --output pl_only.xclbin \
        <HW xsa by v++ linker>