AI Engine Components - 2023.2 English - UG1076

AI Engine Tools and Flows User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The AI Engine array consists of a 2D array of AI Engine tiles, where each AI Engine tile contains an AI Engine, memory module, and tile interconnect module.

AI Engine
Each AI Engine is a very long instruction word (VLIW) processor containing a scalar unit, a vector unit, two load units, and a single store unit.
AI Engine Tile
An AI Engine tile contains an AI Engine, a local memory module together with several communication paths to facilitate data exchange between tiles.
AI Engine Array
AI Engine array refers to the complete 2D array of AI Engine tiles.
AI Engine Program
The AI Engine program consists of a data flow graph specification which is written in C/C++. This program is compiled and executed using the AI Engine tool chain.
AI Engine Kernels
Kernels are written in C/C++ using AI Engine vector data types and intrinsic functions. These are the computation functions running on an AI Engine. The kernels form the fundamental building blocks of a data flow graph specification.
ADF Graph
An ADF graph is a network with a single AI Engine kernel or multiple AI Engine kernels connected by data streams. It interacts with the programmable logic, global memory, and processing system with specific constructs like PLIO (port attribute in the graph programming that is used to make stream connections to or from the programmable logic), GMIO (port attribute in the graph programming that is used to make external memory-mapped connections to or from the global memory), and RTP.

Graphs can also be embedded into other graphs as sub-graphs, which allows for structuring the design into logical subsystems.