This graph is used to compute the final result. It multiply the results of apodization and the interpolation and accumulates the results of each transducer.
- Graph Inputs:
- para_const_pre: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_pre self-used structural parameter include iter_line, iter_element to record the number of lines processed. It’s definition could be seen in L1/include/kernel_mult.hpp.
- para_const_0: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_0 self-used structural parameter include iter_line, iter_element to record the number of lines processed;
- para_const_1: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_1 self-used structural parameter include iter_line, iter_element to record the number of lines processed;
- para_const_2: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_2 self-used structural parameter include iter_line, iter_element to record the number of lines processed;
- para_const_3: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_3 self-used structural parameter include iter_line, iter_element to record the number of lines processed;
- para_const_0_0: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_0 self-used local array, used to store accumulated temporary results;
- para_const_0_1: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_1 self-used local array, used to store accumulated temporary results;
- para_const_0_2: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_2 self-used local array, used to store accumulated temporary results;
- para_const_0_3: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_3 self-used local array, used to store accumulated temporary results;
- para_const_1_0: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_0 self-used local array, used to store accumulated temporary results. To avoid bank conflict, this data memory is applied;
- para_const_1_1: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_1 self-used local array, used to store accumulated temporary results. To avoid bank conflict, this data memory is applied;
- para_const_1_2: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_2 self-used local array, used to store accumulated temporary results. To avoid bank conflict, this data memory is applied;
- para_const_1_3: Graph_mult’s kernel kfun_mult_3 self-used local array, used to store accumulated temporary results. To avoid bank conflict, this data memory is applied;
- interp: Results of interpolation.
- apod: Results of apodization.
- Graph Outputs:
- mult_0: Output first segment of final result;
- mult_1: Output second segment of final result;
- mult_2: Output third segment of final result;
- mult_3: Output last segment of final result;