This graph is used to compute the delay in reception for every transducer. It sums also the delay in transmission to obtain the valid samples for the interpolation.
- Graph Inputs:
- para_const: Graph_samples self-used structural parameter include sampling frequency, inverse speed of sound and so on. It’s definition could be seen in L1/include/kernel_sample.hpp.
- para_rfdim: Input array, used to filter whether the input rf-data of each scanline is in the region of interest;
- para_elem: X-Y-Z vector which represents the positions of our transducers in the probe;
- img_x: The result of graph_imagepoints in x-dimension;
- img_z: The result of graph_imagepoints in z-dimension;
- delay: Result of graph_delay;
- Graph Outputs:
- sample: A vector which represents our valid entries in the rf-data vector;
- inside: A vector with only 0 and 1 values, which represents whether each element of our rf-data vector is in the region of interest;