This graph is used to compute the transmit delay. It returns an array of values which represent the transmission time for every incremental point of the investigation. This graph is used in ScanLine and SA applications.
- Graph Inputs:
- image_points_from_PL: the result of Image Points;
- image_points_from_PL2: the result of Image Points;
- tx_def_ref_point: X-Y-Z array with the reference point of the investigation for that iteration;
- tx_def_delay_distance: X-Y-Z array which represent our absolute distance with respect to our focus;
- tx_def_delay_distance2: X-Y-Z array which represent our absolute distance with respect to our focus;
- tx_def_focal_point: X-Y-Z array which represent our focus;
- t_start: The starting time of emission;
- Graph Outputs:
- delay_to_PL: A vector which represents our time delay per point to analyze;