kernel name: kernel_imagepoints - 2023.2 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.2 English

The kernel_imagepoints kernel is used to create an array(specific coordinate direction) which represents the part of investigation made by the specific emission of the Ultrasound Probe. It is dependent on the investigation depth and the incremental investigation which we want to perform (based on our sampling frquency).

  • Template params:
    • T: type of the operation;
    • NUM_LINE_t: number of scanlines;
    • NUM_ELEMENT_t: number of transducer’s elements;
    • NUM_SAMPLE_t: number of time samples;
    • NUM_SEG_t: number of segments in one scanline;
    • VECDIM_img_t: dimension of the SIMD to be performed. Addressed in the Xilinx UG1076, it depends on the type chosen;
    • LEN_IN_mult_t: number of inputdata per invoking;
    • LEN_OUT_img_t: number of outputdata per invoking;
    • LEN32b_PARA_img_t: number of inputdata per invoking;
  • kernel Inputs:
    • para_const: kernel_imagepoints self-used structural parameters include step(the distance between adjacent points), iter_line(record number of lines that have been processed) and so on.
    • para_start: The position which we start the investigation in cartesian coordinate;
  • kernel Outputs:
    • out: An array which represents our points(specific coordinate direction) to analyze;