sample_delay introduces delay to the input data. The numSampledelay is a Run Time Parameter (RTP) for setting the value of delay.
These are the templates parameters:
TT_DATA | describes the type of individual data samples input to the function. This is a typename and must be one of the following: unit8, int8, int16, int32, float, cint16, cint32, cfloat. |
TP_WINDOW_VSIZE | describes the number of samples in the window API. It is only applicable when TP_API = 0. |
TP_API | describes if the interface is IOBuf/Window (0) or stream (1) |
TP_MAX_DELAY | sets the max threshold on the delay. |
template < typename TT_DATA, unsigned int TP_WINDOW_VSIZE, unsigned int TP_API, unsigned int TP_MAX_DELAY > class sample_delay_graph: public graph // fields static constexpr int VECTOR_SIZE input_port in input_port numSampleDelay output_port out kernel m_kernel