Following is the 2020.2 release notes.
- LIBZ Library Acceleration using U50
- Achieved seamless acceleration of libz standard APIs (deflate, compress2 and uncompress)
- Ready to use library to accelerate any host code without any code change
- Provided xzlib standalone executable for for both gzip/zlib compress & decompress
- New ZSTD Decompression
- Facebook ZSTD decompression implemented
- New Snappy Dual Core Kernel
- Google snappy Dual Core Decompression to get 2x throughput for single file decompress.
- New GZIP Compress Kernel
- Implemented new GZIP Quad Core Compress Kernel (in build , LZ77 , TreeGen, Huffman encoder). Reduced overall resource >20%, and reduce 50% DDR bandwidth requirement.
- New GZIP Compress Streaming Kernel
- Implemented fully standard compliance GZIP(include header & footer) streaming free running kernels.
- GZIP/ZLIB L3 Application on U50
- Provided GZIP/ZLIB Application in L3 , optimized for U50 (HBM) and U250. Single xclbin supports both zlib & gzip format for compress and uncompress
- Porting Library to U50
- Most of Library functions (LZ4, Snappy, GZIP, ZLIB) ported to U50 platform.
- Low Latency GZIP/ZLIB Decompress
- Reduced Decompression initial latency from 5K to 2.5K (latency improvement for for small block size 4KB/8KB/16KB)