Benchmark Result on Board - 2023.2 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.2 English

Meanwhile, benchmark results at 267MHz frequency on Alveo U200 board with 2019.2 shell are shown as below:

Dataset samples classes features Spark (4 threads) Spark (8 threads) Spark (16 threads) Spark (32 threads) Spark (56 threads) FPGA (:ms)
RCV1 697614 2 47236 6937 (18.6X) 7751 (26.2X) 5636 (12.6X) 6500 (22.0X) 5425 (12.2X) 371
webspam 350000 2 254 4676 (21.9X) 5823 (22.6X) 6869 (40.4X) 5381 (20.1X) 5848 (35.3X) 214
news20 19928 20 62061 4249 (361X) 4728 (453X) 4256 (319X) 4388 (332X) 4308 (391X) 12


For the training primitive, some padding-zero 64-bit data would be added into the input multi-channel data stream when the total length of feature vector for all sample cannot be divided evenly by 8 including the ending -1 tag. And the multiplication of the number of class and feature cannot be greater than 2 million so far. For the predict primitive, the sampe padding-zero 32-bit data would also be added when the length of feature vector for each sample cannot be divided evenly by the number of channel. And the multiplication of the number of class and feature cannot be greater than 1 million.