Clocking - 2023.1 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

The -clocking switch summarizes the full set of clocks in the design, then breaks down the clock loads in each RM. It also reports the number of RM clock loads in each clock region (not shown here).

Static Clock Summary
|                                                            Clock Name |Static Loads|RP1 Max Loads|
|mb_prc_wrapper/mb_prc_i/ddr4/inst/u_ddr4_infrastructure/dbg_clk        |       2889 |           0 |
|mb_prc_wrapper/mb_prc_i/ddr4/inst/u_ddr4_infrastructure/CLK            |       1639 |           0 |
|dbg_hub/inst/BSCANID.u_xsdbm_id/itck_i                                 |        496 |         365 |
|mb_prc_wrapper/mb_prc_i/ddr4/inst/u_ddr4_infrastructure/addn_clkout1   |       8534 |        1403 |
|mb_prc_wrapper/mb_prc_i/ddr4/inst/u_ddr4_infrastructure/c0_ddr4_ui_clk |      15098 |           0 |
|mb_prc_wrapper/mb_prc_i/ddr4/inst/u_ddr4_infrastructure/addn_ui_clkout2|      11791 |           0 |
Reconfigurable Module Clocking RP1
| Clock Name                                  |Current|  RM1 Loads| RM2 Loads| RM3 Loads| Max Loads|
|Static Clocks                                |       |           |          |          |          |
| dbg_hub/inst/BSCANID.u_xsdbm_id/itck_i      |   365 |       365 |      360 |      350 |      365 |
| mb_prc_wrapper/mb_prc_i/ddr4/inst/          |       |           |          |          |          |
| u_ddr4_infrastructure/addn_clkout1          |  1403 |      1403 |     1385 |     1344 |     1403 |