Saving Captured ILA Data to a File - 2023.1 English - UG908

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

Currently, the only way to upload captured data from an ILA core and save it to a file is to use the following Tcl command:

write_hw_ila_data my_hw_ila_data_file.ila [upload_hw_ila_data hw_ila_1]

This Tcl command sequence uploads the captured data from the ILA core and writes it to an archive file called my_hw_ila_data_file.ila. The archive file contains the waveform database file, the waveform configuration file, a waveform comma separated value file, and a debug probes file.

Tip: Use the -csv_file option to generate a comma-separated values (CSV) file. This configures the write_hw_ila_data command to export the ILA data in the form of a CSV file that can be used to import into a spreadsheet or third-party application, rather than the default binary ILA file format.
Tip: Use the -vcd_file option to generate a value change dump (VCD) file. This configures the write_hw_ila_data command to export the ILA data in the form of a VCD file that can be used to import into a third-party application or viewer, rather than the default binary ILA file format.