Booting the FPGA Device - 2023.1 English - UG908

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

After programming the configuration memory device, you can issue a soft boot operation (that is, JPROGRAM) to initiate the FPGA configuration from the attached configuration memory device. If you want to perform a Boot operation on the target FPGA select the target device and right-click and select Boot from Configuration Memory Device.

Figure 1. Boot from Configuration Memory Device

Important: There can be situations after booting from configuration memory where the debug cores do not show up immediately due to system boot up considerations. AMD recommends that you wait for the specified time period as appropriate using the boot_hw_device Tcl command in the AMD Vivado™ Hardware Manager Tcl Console, as follows:
boot_hw_device after 1000 [refresh_hw_device] 
 Where 1000 can be specified by you as the max "wait_on" value.