Expression | Symbol | Status |
Concatenation | {} | Supported |
Replication | {{}} | Supported |
Arithmetic | +, -, *,** | Supported |
Division | / | Supported |
Modulus | % | Supported |
Addition | + | Supported |
Subtraction | - | Supported |
Multiplication | * | Supported |
Power | ** |
Relational | >, <, >=, <= | Supported |
Logical Negation | ! | Supported |
Logical AND | && | Supported |
Logical OR | || | Supported |
Logical Equality | == | Supported |
Logical Inequality | != | Supported |
Case Equality | === | Supported |
Case Inequality | !== | Supported |
Bitwise Negation | ~ | Supported |
Bitwise AND | & | Supported |
Bitwise Inclusive OR | | | Supported |
Bitwise Exclusive OR | ^ | Supported |
Bitwise Equivalence | ~^, ^~ | Supported |
Reduction AND | & | Supported |
Reduction NAND | ~& | Supported |
Reduction OR | | | Supported |
Reduction NOR | ~| | Supported |
Reduction XOR | ^ | Supported |
Reduction XNOR | ~^, ^~ | Supported |
Left Shift | << | Supported |
Right Shift Signed | >>> | Supported |
Left Shift Signed | <<< | Supported |
Right Shift | >> | Supported |
Conditional | ?: | Supported |
Event OR | or, ',' | Supported |