Loop Statements - 2023.1 English - UG901

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

Several types of loops that are supported in Vivado synthesis and SystemVerilog. One of the most common is the for loop. Following is the syntax:

for (initialization; expression; step) statement;

A for loop starts with the initialization and evaluates the expression. If the expression evaluates to 0, it stops and executes; otherwise, if it evaluates to 1, it continues with the statement. When it is done with the statement, it executes the step function.

  • A repeat loop works by performing a function a stated number of times. Following is the syntax:
    repeat (expression) statement;

This syntax evaluates the expression to a number, and executes the statement the specified number of times.

  • The for-each loop executes a statement for each element in an array.
  • The while loop takes an expression and a statement and executes the statement until the expression is false.
  • The do-while loop performs the same function as the while loop, but instead it tests the expression after the statement.
  • The forever loop executes all the time. To avoid infinite loops, use it with the break statement to get out of the loop.