The Vivado IDE manages both user-defined XDC timing and physical constraints for the entire design, as well as for AMD IP. It handles the association and the unification of constraints for AMD IP instantiated multiple times within a project.
Most IP in the IP catalog deliver IP-specific XDC constraints based on user customization. The constraints delivered by the IP are optimized using the default synthesis settings.
Do not change these settings for any of the IP design runs because you could encounter issues with applying constraints. To take ownership of constraining an IP, disable the XDC file(s) that are delivered with an IP. If you must change the synthesis settings for an IP OOC run, you can use the following set_property command in the Tcl console:
set_property <synthesis_option> <value> [get_runs <ip_name>_synth_1]
Tcl Command Example for Changing Synthesis Run Properties
[get_runs <ip_name>_synth_1]
During design synthesis and implementation, the Vivado Design Suite processes the IP-delivered XDC constraints before processing the user-defined constraints, or after, depending on the constraint file.