xsim - 2023.1 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

Load a simulation snapshot for simulation and return a simulation object


xsim [‑view <args>] [‑autoloadwcfg] [‑runall] [‑R] [‑maxdeltaid <arg>]
    [‑nolog] [‑maxlogsize <arg>] [‑onfinish <arg>] [‑onerror <arg>]
    [‑tclbatch <args>] [‑t <args>] [‑testplusarg <args>] [‑vcdfile <arg>]
    [‑vcdunit <arg>] [‑wdb <arg>] [‑tp] [‑tl] [‑nosignalhandlers]
    [‑ieeewarnings] [‑stats] [‑clear_child_on_exit] [‑scNoLogFile]
    [‑sv_seed <arg>] [‑disable_multi_driver_resolution_scheduling]
    [‑protoinst <args>] [‑cov_db_dir <arg>] [‑cov_db_name <arg>]
    [‑ignore_assertions] [‑ignore_coverage] [‑downgrade_error2info]
    [‑downgrade_error2warning] [‑downgrade_fatal2info]
    [‑downgrade_fatal2warning] [‑ignore_feature <args>]
    [‑downgrade_severity <args>] [‑cosim_hostname <arg>]
    [‑cosim_portno <arg>] [‑xsimdir <arg>] [‑quiet] [‑verbose] <snapshot>


Current simulation object.


Name Description
[-view] Open a wave configuration file. This switch may be repeated to open multiple files.
[-autoloadwcfg] For a WDB file named <name>.wdb, automatically open all WCFG files named <name>#.wcfg. Ignored if -view is present.
[-runall] Run simulation until completion, then quit (does 'run -all; exit')
[-R] Run simulation until completion, then quit (does 'run -all; exit')
[-maxdeltaid] Specify the maximum delta number. Will report error if it exceeds maximum simulation loops at the same time Default: 10000
[-nolog] Ignored (for compatibility with xsim command-line tool)
[-maxlogsize] Set the maximum size a log file can reach in MB. The default setting is unlimited Default: -1
[-onfinish] Specify behavior at end of simulation: quit|stop Default: stop
[-onerror] Specify behavior upon simulation run-time error: quit|stop Default: stop
[-tclbatch] Specify the TCL file for batch mode execution
[-t] Specify the TCL file for batch mode execution
[-testplusarg] Specify plusargs to be used by $test$plusargs and $value$plusargs system functions
[-vcdfile] Specify the vcd output file
[-vcdunit] Specify the vcd output unit. Default is the same as the engine precision unit
[-wdb] Specify the waveform database output file
[-tp] Enable printing of hierarchical names of process being executed
[-tl] Enable printing of file name and line number of statements being executed.
[-nosignalhandlers] Run with no signal handlers to avoid conflict with security software
[-ieeewarnings] Enable warnings from VHDL IEEE functions
[-stats] Display memory and cpu stats upon exiting
[-clear_child_on_exit] Clear child processes upon exiting simulation (only applicable to Linux).
[-scNoLogFile] Keep the SystemC output separate from XSim output
[-sv_seed] Seed for constraint random stimulus Default: 1
[-disable_multi_driver_resolution_scheduling] Revert to original multi driver resolution flow during scheduling the processes.
[-protoinst] Specify a .protoinst file for protocol analysis
[-cov_db_dir] System Verilog Coverage Run Directory. The coverage data will be present under <cov_db_dir>/xsim.covdb/<cov _db_name> directory.Default is ./ or inherits value set in similar xelab option.
[-cov_db_name] System Verilog Coverage Run Name. The coverage data will be present under <cov_db_dir>/xsim.covdb/<cov _db_name> directory.Default is snapshot name or inherits value set in similar xelab option.
[-ignore_assertions] Ignore System Verilog concurrent assertion constructs at runtime.
[-ignore_coverage] Ignore System Verilog Functional Coverage at runtime.
[-downgrade_error2info] Downgrade System verilog message severity from error to info level.
[-downgrade_error2warning] Downgrade System verilog message severity from error to warning level.
[-downgrade_fatal2info] Downgrade System verilog message severity from fatal to info level.
[-downgrade_fatal2warning] Downgrade System verilog message severity from fatal to warning level.
[-ignore_feature] Specify System Verilog feature to be ignored at runtime. Choices are: assertion : Ignore concurrent assertions.
[-downgrade_severity] Downgrade severity level of System Verilog HDL messages.Choices are: error2warning|error2info|fat al2warning|fatal2info.
[-cosim_hostname] Hw Cosim Hw Server Name
[-cosim_portno] Hw Cosim Hw Port Number
[-xsimdir] Location of xsim.dir directory. Default location is "./xsim.dir" i.e. current run directory.
[-quiet] Ignore command errors
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution
<snapshot> The name of design snapshot or WDB file



The xsim command loads a simulation snapshot to run a batch mode simulation, or to provide a GUI and/or Tcl-based interactive simulation environment. The snapshot must be generated using the xelab command.


-view <arg> - (Optional) Open a wave configuration file to store the waveform activity for the simulation. The Wave Config file contains just the list of wave objects (signals, dividers, groups, virtual buses) to display, and their display properties, plus markers. A wave configuration file is written in the current simulation with the save_wave_config command.

Note: This option may be repeated to open multiple Wave Config files.

-autoloadwcfg - (Optional) When loading a wave database (WDB) file named <name>.wdb, automatically open all associated wave config files WCFG named <name>#.wcfg. This option is ignored if -view is also specified.

-runall | -R - (Optional) Run the simulation until no event is left in the event queue, a breakpoint or valid condition is encountered, or a run time exception occurs. Then quit the simulator. This is the equivalent of 'run -all; exit'.

-maxdeltaid <arg> - (Optional) Specify the maximum number of delta cycles as an integer greater than 0. The default value is 10000.The simulator will report an error if it exceeds the specified maximum number of simulation loops, or delta cycles, at simulation run time. Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900) for more information on delta cycles.

-nolog - (Optional) This option is provided for compatibility with the command line XSIM utility, and is ignored when running in Tcl in the Vivado® Design Suite.

-maxlogsize <arg> - (Optional) The maximum size for a simulation log file, specified as a value in MBytes. The default value of -1, means the log file has no size limit.

-onfinish [ stop | quit ] - (Optional) Specify the actions of the simulator upon finishing the simulation run. Valid values are stop the simulation, or quit the simulator. The default is stop.

-onerror [ stop | quit ] - (Optional} Specify the actions of the simulator upon encountering an error. Valid values are stop the simulation, or quit the simulator. The default is stop.

-tclbatch | -t - (Optional) Specify a Tcl script file to run the simulator in batch mode.

-testplusarg <args> - (Optional) Specify plusargs to be used by $test$plusargs and $value$plusargs system functions. These arguments are visually distinguished from other simulator arguments by starting with the plus ('+') character.

-vcdfile <arg> - (Optional) Specify a Value Change Dump (VCD) file to capture simulation output.

-vcdunit <arg> - (Optional) Specify the time unit for the VCD output. The default unit is the same as the simulation engine precision.

-wdb <arg> - (Optional) Specify the simulation waveform database (WDB) file. When the simulation completes, the simulation is written to a static simulator database file. The file can be opened for later review by the open_wave_database command.

-tp - (Optional) Print the hierarchical names of process being executed to the standard output.

-tl - (Optional) Print the file name and line number of statements being executed to the standard output.

-nosignalhandlers - (Optional) Disables the installation of OS-level signal handlers in the simulation. With the signal handlers disabled, OS-level fatal errors could crash the simulation abruptly with little indication of the nature of the failure.

Important: Use this option only if your security software prevents the simulator from running successfully.

-ieeewarnings - (Optional) Enable warnings generated by the use of VHDL IEEE functions. Use this option to enable warnings that are disabled by default since these warnings can generally be ignored.

-stats - (Optional) Display statistics related to memory and CPU usage upon exiting the simulator.

-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
Note: Any errors encountered on the command-line, while launching the command, will be returned. Only errors occurring inside the command will be trapped.
-verbose - (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

<snapshot> - (Required) The name of the simulation snapshot to be executed, or WDB file to be opened for viewing. The snapshot must have been previously compiled by xelab. The WDB file must have been previously saved using the -wdb option of the xsim command.


The following example launches xsim on the specified simulation snapshot:

xsim C:/Data/project_xsim/project_xsim.sim/sim_1/behav/testbench_behav