If the application name is plnx_myapp, BitBake throws an error. A version number has to be entered after ' _ '. For example, myapp_1 is an accurate application and module name.
To recover, sstateclean the application and delete it. Also, delete the following line in <plnx-proj-root>/project-spec/meta-user/conf/user-rootfsconfig.
If the application or library or module name has all uppercase letters or starting with an uppercase letter MYAPP/Myapp, BitBake throws a do_package_qa error.
To recover, sstateclean the application and delete it. Also, delete the line in <plnx-proj-root>/project-spec/meta-user/conf/user-rootfsconfig.
If the project path has
special characters like +, *, ! etc., the
command fails to execute. For example:
/opt/petalinux+/xilinx-zc702-2. To recover, do not use any special characters in the