AI Engine Architecture Overview - 2023.1 English - UG1079

AI Engine Kernel and Graph Programming Guide (UG1079)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

The AI Engine array consists of a 2D array of AI Engine tiles, where each AI Engine tile contains an AI Engine, memory module, and tile interconnect module. The AI Engine is a highly-optimized processor featuring a single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) and very long instruction word (VLIW) processor containing a scalar unit, a vector unit, two load units, a single store unit, and an instruction fetch and decode unit. One VLIW instruction can support a maximum of two loads, one store, one scalar operation, one fixed-point or floating-point vector operation, and two move instructions. There is also a memory module available that is shared between its north, south, east, or west AI Engine neighbors, depending on the location of the tile within the array. An AI Engine can access its north, south, east, or west, and its own memory module.

Figure 1. AI Engine Tile Details

Each AI Engine tile has an AXI4-Stream switch that is a fully programmable 32-bit AXI4-Stream crossbar. It supports both circuit-switched and packet-switched streams with back-pressure. Through MM2S DMA and S2MM DMA, the AXI4-Stream switch provides stream access to and from AI Engine data memory. The switch also contains two 16-deep 33-bit (32-bit data + 1-bit TLAST) wide FIFOs, which can be chained to form a 32-deep FIFO by circuit-switching the output of one of the FIFOs to the other FIFO’s input.

More details on the AI Engine architecture can be found in Versal Adaptive SoC AI Engine Architecture Manual (AM009).