This ISP includes HDR function with 2021.1 pipeline with out color space conversion. It takes two exposure frames as inputs(Short exposure frame and Long exposure frame) and after HDR fusion it will return hdr merged output frame. The HDR output goes to ISP 2021.1 pipeline and returns the output RGB image.
- HDRMerge : HDRMerge module generates the Hign dynamic range image from a set of different exposure frames. Usually, image sensors has limited dynamic range and it’s difficult to get HDR image with single image capture. From the sensor, the frames are collected with different exposure times and will get different exposure frames, HDRMerge will generates the HDR frame with those exposure frames.
The following example demonstrates the ISP pipeline with HDR.
void ISPPipeline_accel(ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp1,
ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp2,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out,
int height,
int width,
uint16_t rgain,
uint16_t bgain,
unsigned char gamma_lut[256 * 3],
unsigned char mode_reg,
uint16_t pawb,
short* wr_hls) {
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_inp1 offset=slave bundle=gmem1
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_inp2 offset=slave bundle=gmem2
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_out offset=slave bundle=gmem3
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=wr_hls offset=slave bundle=gmem4
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=hist0_awb complete dim=1
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=hist1_awb complete dim=1
if (!flag) {
ISPpipeline(img_inp1, img_inp2, img_out, height, width, hist0_awb, hist1_awb, igain_0, igain_1, rgain, bgain,
gamma_lut, mode_reg, pawb, wr_hls);
flag = 1;
} else {
ISPpipeline(img_inp1, img_inp2, img_out, height, width, hist1_awb, hist0_awb, igain_1, igain_0, rgain, bgain,
gamma_lut, mode_reg, pawb, wr_hls);
flag = 0;
void ISPpipeline(ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp1,
ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp2,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out,
unsigned short height,
unsigned short width,
uint32_t hist0[3][HIST_SIZE],
uint32_t hist1[3][HIST_SIZE],
int gain0[3],
int gain1[3],
uint16_t rgain,
uint16_t bgain,
unsigned char gamma_lut[256 * 3],
unsigned char mode_reg,
uint16_t pawb,
short* wr_hls) {
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_IN_DR1> imgInputhdr1(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_IN_DR2> imgInputhdr2(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_IN_1> imgInput1(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_IN_2> imgInput2(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_BPC_OUT> bpc_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_GAIN_OUT> gain_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_DEMOSAIC_OUT> demosaic_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_IMPOP> impop(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_LTM_IN> ltm_in(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_LSC_OUT> lsc_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_LTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_DST> _dst(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_LTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_AEC_IN> aecin(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_16UC1, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_OUT> _imgOutput(height, width);
const int Q_VAL = 1 << (XF_DTPIXELDEPTH(XF_SRC_T, XF_NPPC));
float thresh = (float)pawb / 256;
float inputMax = (1 << (XF_DTPIXELDEPTH(XF_SRC_T, XF_NPPC))) - 1; // 65535.0f;
float mul_fact = (inputMax / (inputMax - BLACK_LEVEL));
xf::cv::Array2xfMat<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH, XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_IN_DR1>(img_inp1, imgInputhdr1);
xf::cv::Array2xfMat<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH, XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_IN_DR2>(img_inp2, imgInputhdr2);
imgInputhdr1, imgInputhdr2, imgInput1, wr_hls);
xf::cv::blackLevelCorrection<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, 16, 15, 1, XF_CV_DEPTH_IN_1, XF_CV_DEPTH_IN_2>(imgInput1, imgInput2, BLACK_LEVEL,mul_fact);
xf::cv::gaincontrol<XF_BAYER_PATTERN, XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_IN_2, XF_CV_DEPTH_GAIN_OUT>(imgInput2, gain_out, rgain, bgain);
function_awb<XF_DST_T, XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_DEMOSAIC_OUT, XF_CV_DEPTH_LTM_IN>(demosaic_out, ltm_in, hist0, hist1, gain0, gain1,height, width, mode_reg, thresh);
xf::cv::colorcorrectionmatrix<XF_CCM_TYPE, XF_DST_T, XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_LTM_IN, XF_CV_DEPTH_LSC_OUT>(ltm_in, lsc_out);
if (XF_DST_T == XF_8UC3) {
fifo_copy<XF_DST_T, XF_LTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_LSC_OUT, XF_CV_DEPTH_AEC_IN>(lsc_out, aecin, height, width);
} else {
xf::cv::xf_QuatizationDithering<XF_DST_T, XF_LTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, 256, Q_VAL, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_LSC_OUT, XF_CV_DEPTH_AEC_IN>(lsc_out, aecin);
xf::cv::gammacorrection<XF_LTM_T, XF_LTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_AEC_IN, XF_CV_DEPTH_DST>(aecin, _dst, gamma_lut);
xf::cv::xfMat2Array<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH, XF_8UC3, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_DST>(_dst, img_out);