API Syntax
template <unsigned int MAXCORNERSNO, unsigned int TYPE, unsigned int ROWS, unsigned int COLS, unsigned int NPC, int XFCVDEPTH_IN = _XFCVDEPTH_DEFAULT>
void cornersImgToList(xf::cv::Mat<TYPE,ROWS,COLS,NPC, XFCVDEPTH_IN> &_src, unsigned int list[MAXCORNERSNO], unsigned int *ncorners)
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the function parameters.
Paramete r | Description |
MAXCORNE RSNO | Maximum number of corners that the function needs to work on |
TYPE | Input Pixel Type. Only 8-bit, unsigned, 1 channel is supported (XF_8UC1) |
ROWS | Maximum height of input and output image (Must be multiple of 8) |
COLS | Maximum width of input and output image (Must be multiple of 8) |
NPC | Number of pixels to be processed per cycle. This function supports only XF_NPPC1 or 1-pixel per cycle operations. |
XFCVDEPTH_IN | Depth of input image |
_src | The output image of harris corner detector. The size of this xf::cv::Mat object is the size of the input image to Harris corner detector. The value of each pixel is 255 if a corner is present in the location, 0 otherwise. |
list | A 32 bit memory allocated, the size of MAXCORNERS, to store the corners detected by Harris Detector |
ncorners | Total number of corners detected by Harris, that is, the number of corners in the list |