SVM - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English

The SVM function is the SVM core operation, which performs dot product between the input arrays. The function returns the resultant dot product value with its fixed point type.

API Syntax

template<int SRC1_T, int SRC2_T, int DST_T, int ROWS1, int COLS1, int ROWS2, int COLS2, int NPC=1, int N, int XFCVDEPTH_IN_1 = _XFCVDEPTH_DEFAULT, int XFCVDEPTH_IN_2 = _XFCVDEPTH_DEFAULT>
void SVM(xf::cv::Mat<SRC1_T, ROWS1, COLS1, NPC, XFCVDEPTH_IN_1> &in_1, xf::cv::Mat<SRC2_T, ROWS2, COLS2, NPC, XFCVDEPTH_IN_2> &in_2, uint16_t idx1, uint16_t idx2, uchar_t frac1, uchar_t frac2, uint16_t n, uchar_t *out_frac, ap_int<XF_PIXELDEPTH(DST_T)> *result)

Parameter Descriptions

The following table describes the template and the function parameters.

Table 726 Table . SVM Parameter Description
Parameters Description
SRC1_T Input pixel type. 16-bit, signed, 1 channel (XF_16SC1) is supported.
SRC2_T Input pixel type. 16-bit, signed, 1 channel (XF_16SC1) is supported.
DST_T Output data Type. 32-bit, signed, 1 channel (XF_32SC1) is supported.
ROWS1 Number of rows in the first image being processed.
COLS1 Number of columns in the first image being processed.
ROWS2 Number of rows in the second image being processed.
COLS2 Number of columns in the second image being processed.
NPC Number of pixels to be processed per cycle; possible options are XF_NPPC1.
N Max number of kernel operations
XFCVDEPTH_IN_1 Depth of the input image.
XFCVDEPTH_IN_2 Depth of the input image.
in_1 First Input Array.
in_2 Second Input Array.
idx1 Starting index of the first array.
idx2 Starting index of the second array.
frac1 Number of fractional bits in the first array data.
frac2 Number of fractional bits in the second array data.
n Number of kernel operations.
out_frac Number of fractional bits in the resultant value.
result Resultant value

Resource Utilization

The following table summarizes the resource utilization of the SVM function, generated using Vivado HLS 2019.1 tool for the Xilinx Xczu9eg-ffvb1156-1-i-es1 FPGA.

Table 727 Table . SVM Function Resource Utilization Summary
Operating Frequency (MHz) Utilization Estimate (ms)
300 0 1 27 34 12

Performance Estimate

The following table summarizes the performance in different configurations, as generated using Vivado HLS 2019.1 tool for the Xilinx Xczu9eg-ffvb1156-1-i-es1 FPGA.

Table 728 Table . SVM Function Performance Estimate Summary
Operating Frequency (MHz) Latency Estimate
  Min (cycles) Max (cycles)
300 204 204