The color conversion functions convert one image format to another image format, for the combinations listed in the following table. The rows represent the input formats and the columns represent the output formats. Supported conversions are discussed in the following sections.
I/O Formats | RGBA | NV12 | NV21 | IYUV | UYVY | YUYV | YUV4 | RGB | BGR |
RGBA | N/A | For details, see the RGBA to NV12 | For details, see the RGBA to NV21 | For details, see the RGBA/RGB to IYUV | For details, see the RGBA/RGB to YUV4 | ||||
NV12 | For details, see the NV12 to RGBA | N/A | For details, see the NV12 to NV21/NV21 to NV12 | For details, see the NV12 to IYUV | For details, see the NV12/NV21 to UYVY/YUYV | For details, see the NV12/NV21 to UYVY/YUYV | For details, see the NV12 to YUV4 | For details, see the NV12/NV21 to RGB/ BGR | For details, see the NV12/NV21 to RGB/ BGR |
NV21 | For details, see the NV21 to RGBA | For details, see the NV12 to NV21/NV21 to NV12 | N/A | For details, see the NV21 to IYUV | For details, see the NV12/NV21 to UYVY/YUYV | For details, see the NV12/NV21 to UYVY/YUYV | For details, see the NV21 to YUV4 | For details, see the NV12/NV21 to RGB/ BGR | For details, see the NV12/NV21 to RGB/ BGR |
IYUV | For details, see the IYUV to RGBA/RGB | For details, see the IYUV to NV12 | N/A | For details, see the IYUV to YUV4 | For details, see the IYUV to RGBA/RGB | ||||
UYVY | For details, see the UYVY to RGBA | For details, see the UYVY to NV12 | For details, see the UYVY to IYUV | N/A | |||||
YUYV | For details, see the YUYV to RGBA | For details, see the YUYV to NV12 | For details, see the YUYV to IYUV | N/A | |||||
YUV4 | N/A | ||||||||
RGB | For details see the RGB/ BGR to NV12/NV21 | For details see theRGB/ BGR to NV12/NV21 | For details see the RGBA/RGB to IYUV | For details see the RGB/BGR to UYVY/YUYV | For details see the RGB/BGR to UYVY/YUYV | For details see the RGBA/RGB to YUV4 | For details see the BGR to RGB / RGB to BGR | ||
BGR | For details see the RGB/ BGR to NV12/NV21 | For details see theRGB/ BGR to NV12/NV21 | For details see the RGB/BGR to UYVY/YUYV | For details see the RGB/BGR to UYVY/YUYV | For details see the BGR to RGB / RGB to BGR |
Other conversions
Few other conversions are also added. BGR/RGB<->HSV,BGR/RGB<->HLS,BGR/RGB<->YCrCb,BGR/RGB<->XYZ and RGB<->BGR conversions are added.