Vitis Vision AIE Library Functions API list with performance estimates - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English

Frames per second (FPS) measured from host-code and includes data-transfer latencies and AIEngine™ kernel latencies. Measurements done on VCK190 evaluation boards and use only one AIE core.

Table 757 Table AIE Library Functions API list with performance estimates
Function(xf::cv::aie) Performance (FPS) with PL Data-movers(Full HD) Performance (FPS) with PL Data-movers (4K) Performance (FPS) with GMIO Data-movers(Full HD) Performance (FPS) with GMIO Data-movers (4K)
absolutedifference 284 80 128 50
accumulate 280 79 137 48
accumulateweighted 281 75 111 40
addweighted 358 100 129 38
convertScaleAbs 406 106 214 57
erode 250 65 131 41
filter2D 250 67 157 47
gainControl 405 103 192 60
gaussian 249 66 179 52
laplacian 250 66 150 46
pixel_wise_mul 362 102 170 51
threshold 403 105 251 68
zero function 405 103 204 66